Dopamine differences?

What’s the difference between Dopamine Neurotransmitter Overload, Overcome Any Addiction Dopamine Receptor Repair Addiction Healing and Dopamine Redux?

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I dont know which one the 1st one is, is it from Sapien Med?

The other 2 as per their description:

Dopamine Redux

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter interacting with the pleasure and reward center of our brain, playing a vital role in how happy we feel. In addition to our mood, dopamine also affects movement, memory, and focus. This audio increases and induces the production of dopamine with mild healing of receptors. It also stimulates the production of these neurotransmitters throughout the body by sending more signals to cells that would produce dopamine

Overcome any addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing

Repairs dopamine receptors in the limbic system, using a faster healing field with nerve growth factor and also repairs the
dopamine production areas

The fields in this audio work on repairing the imbalance created by addicted behaviors. Repairs dopamine receptors in the limbic system, using a faster healing field with nerve growth factor and also repairs the dopamine production areas. Over time, this will restore your dopamine levels and allow you to feel a good amount of pleasure again from any activity. This also helps tremendously with depression.

The fields embedded in this audio works with your subconscious to give you the inner strength and will power to overcome your addictions. Addicts very much lack the strength and willpower to overcome their addiction.The fields in this audio grant you back strength and control of your willpower and with programming to push you to overcome your addiction.

The fields in this audio work on fixing the physical (dopamine receptors) and spiritual (willpower/inner strength) to overcome addiction.

So it sounds to me like Redux has milder healing compared to the “Overcome any addiction…” redux focused more on inducing and producing more dopamine throughout the body, while Overcome any addiction, heals, repairs the imbalance and give you strength and control, will power to overcome addictions.

And the overload one that im not sure is from Sapien clearly by its name creates higer production of dopamine (but im not sure if it does so because i dont see that audio anywhere in Sapien’s channel)


From Sapien’s Patreon:


so which one is better?

it’s on Patreon

depends on your goals.

Below is my point of view

Dopamine overload
Saturates your brain with dopamine. This gives you motivation (main porpuse of dopamine spikes) to get rewards. Used for short term.

Dopamine Redux
Maybe it’s not aggressive as the above, but still injects in you dopamine. However, this has more of a long-term benefit since aims to signaling cells to produce more dopamine for your body and a mild healing in receptors of your whole body.

Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing
If you google it you’ll understand it better, but for summarising for ya, addictions come when a behaviour or the drug you take saturate your brain with a lot of hormones of reward (dopamine included). Since it is easy to get this reward, you’ll get the craving to do more and more and more, and your receptors will start to be desensitized to the stimuli and connect less and less, then you’ll need more hormones to connect even more less, and that’s the danger of the loop. You’ll lose the ability to get rewards from simple things and will demand more and more exciting stimuli.
This field repair your receptors to be sensitized again, and get back the ability to feel good and get rewards from simple things again.


Thanks for the long message, but it’s still hard to choose one. Which one would be better if you don’t enjoy to do things like job, business, learning new things and you have been watching porn before

It may be not that simple, but it is a great start.

Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing to sensitize your receptors again to normal rewards as you reduce as much as you can your easily go to high rewards activities (porn, social media scrolling, hours of youtube and netflix, alcohol).

have some time to think about your goals and the whys you want to learn new stuff, work, business. Make sense with yourself that the rewards you’re getting along the way and at the final of the journey will be worth it.

If you do not have a perceived reward, both short-term and long-term related to what you are putting effort, you’re not gonna do it. AND the desensitized receptors, paired with your too easily attainable rewards, makes your reward system works against you.

The more sensitized your receptors, more easy to direct your reward system to what you want, and more easily to feel reward from ‘difficult’ stuff, i.e studying and etc.


I don’t feel like doing work. I take so much time to do a task. I finish my target late and leave it for next day and when the next day comes it happens again.

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Dopamine Redux

Imagine your brain is a garden, and dopamine is the sunshine that helps the plants grow. Just as plants need sunshine to thrive, our brains need dopamine to feel happy and motivated. But sometimes our brain garden can get a little overgrown, and the plants start blocking out the sunshine. This can leave us feeling stuck and unmotivated. That’s where the Dopamine Redux audio comes in. It’s like a magical fertilizer that helps clear out the overgrowth and lets the sunshine in. It helps the plants (our brain cells) produce more dopamine, and the gentle healing of receptors helps them respond better to the dopamine that’s already there. So if you’re feeling like your brain garden could use a little pick-me-up, give Dopamine Redux a try and watch your happiness and motivation grow.

Overcome any addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing

Imagine that addiction is like a dark cloud that has been hanging over you, making it hard to see clearly and making you feel weighed down. But now, imagine that a powerful gust of wind has blown that cloud away, leaving you feeling lighter, clearer, and more able to see the beauty in life.

Just as a gardener tends to a garden, nurturing the soil and watering the plants to help them grow, this audio works to nurture and heal the parts of your brain and body that have been impacted by addiction. It’s like giving your brain and body a reset, allowing you to feel pleasure and joy again in a healthy way.

And just like a wise mentor who has been through the struggles of addiction themselves, this audio is there to guide you and support you as you navigate the journey towards healing. It strengthens your inner resolve and gives you the tools to overcome any obstacles that may arise.

With the help of this audio, you can emerge from the shadow of addiction and step into a brighter, more vibrant life.

-By ChatGPT

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I really appreciate for detail explanation. Someone said on a different post that Dopamine_Neurotransmitter_Overload works better than Overcome any addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing, but I am not sure.

By the way what is ChatGPT?

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just wonder which one makes you feel happier?

None of these.
Dopamine has a motivation related function.
Not a happiness related function.

which field is for motivation related function?
and which field is for happiness related function?

is it safe to stack dopamine audios like ? or would i fry my receptors

Brain Game
Overcome addiction
Dopamine redux
Plasma brain

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Not really.

I would think so, although the effects can feel too overpowered for some users. Playing…

Dopamine Redux
Childlike Wonder
Memories of Joy
Semax and Phenylpiracetam

…made me feel over stimulated and jittery. Maybe it wasn’t my receptors that were effected, but I’ve experienced the occasional anhedonia from the ‘Semax’ field a day or two afterwards just alone.