Dopamine Redux

how many times can i listen to this field? i wanna loop it

Up to 5x is about max. You can use before or after Overcome Addictions field, which can go more than 10x if needed, or the new STOP system field.

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Very insightful:

where dod u get his info? bc people on the comments are reporting that they loop it and feel good

im tempted to go overnight with this its too good of a field

Why though ?

Most fields donā€™t need to played for that long mass looping ainā€™t always the way.


this field is good for dopamine recovery. my receptors are beyond fried and this is the only field that acutally works for me, ive tred all the other ones and if i can loop this one i will be golden

Looping doesnā€™t necessarily mean it will work better especially for something physical your best bet is being consistent daily.

Emotional Mastery 2.0 covers dopamine.


meh , ill be the guniea pig and report back after looping for 2 hours

literally this field is sooooo awesome. colours get more vivid, brain fog gone, addictions healed

but not permanent , hence why im gonna loop tf out of it

saw in the comments someone looped it overnight and they could memorise everything they read and was super hyper foucsed. Iā€™m really senstive to dopamine , if i spend 1 hour on a screen my brain gets realy foggy and im lazy so ye



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How do you measure ā€œfriedā€, from my point of view effects of only this audio are indicative that you are fine in that regard, but lacks dopamine itself or rather its baseline. And training your tiredness from screen would likely be indifferent from whatever activity you engage in while in front of it. Thatā€™s how concentrated work is done, one has to be really excited and driven by the act to continue doing it. No matter if itā€™s good, bad, whatever.

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You have the Brain Game?

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I measure being fried, with lots of brain fog, social skills feel clunkier, im less motivated to do things like exercise and study. that all goes away when i stop engaging in fast dopamine and play dis audio

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yea but didnt help like this 1

Iā€™d advise you to go slower, try it for 5 times and then check yourself and see, try one play mindfully.

Throwing fields at your problems might not always be the solution.


Being ā€œfriedā€ is a sign of adaptation, your activity that you describe as ā€œfast dopamineā€ actually provides minimal amount of it, while needing a lot of attention span and context switching together. Itā€™s trainable not become fried frol repetition and adapt to context switching.

Now do you feel better when you study or actually get tired and bored? If you push through boredom and tiredness you will become ā€œfriedā€ eventually. Itā€™s same underlying process.

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sorry bro i really dont understand this. pls could u explain it in a different way. I feel way better when i study . my brain acutally feels clear and working, but when i watch tv i feel like a vegetable and i cant concentrate on anything lol

idk how people scroll on tiktok 16 hours a day and still manage to function as a human being, still being able to speak to people, i literally turn into a potato lol

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i think im just really sensitive to dopamine guys. like i literally have zero monologue in my head when i over do it its so weirddd but its the complete opposite when i limit my useage

does anyone else get like this?


I deleted it a few years back now and the damage is still here, however it becomes ā€˜normalā€™ only realised how much problems low dopamine causes when I started healing it with fields.

Honestly I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to heal dopamine fully without fields if you have used tiktok for long time because people who do use TikTok most likely par take in several other dopamine draining activities. :confounded:


I put this in Chat GPT as Iā€™m not adept in this area.

It sounds like Mouldy Tea is experiencing significant changes in their cognitive functioning, particularly with their internal monologue, depending on their dopamine levels. This might be related to activities that affect dopamine, like using stimulants, engaging in highly rewarding activities (like social media or video games), or even dietary factors.

Hereā€™s how you could approach Mouldy Teaā€™s problem:

  1. Understanding Dopamine Sensitivity:
  • Dopamineā€™s Role: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in reward, motivation, and cognitive functions. For some people, even slight changes in dopamine levels can significantly affect how they think and feel.
  • Dopamine Overload: If Mouldy Tea is engaging in activities that flood the brain with dopamine (like using certain drugs, excessive screen time, or eating highly palatable foods), they might experience a sort of ā€œdopamine overload.ā€ This could lead to a numbing effect, reducing the richness of their internal monologue and making their thoughts feel disconnected or non-existent.

I donā€™t think itā€™s helpful or what your looking for at all tbh but Iā€™ll put it here anyway.


Hmm, what you describe sounds to me as obvious situation of low level of dopamine, not its sensitivity, because otherwise you wouldnā€™t experience that fast relief. And with sensitivity problems you would rather get relief from Parkinson Help or Brain Game.

How long can you study? Hours, all concentrated? I mean what is studying, reading or actively solving tasks with pen and paper? Memorization?

Because tens of hours and hours of some activity condition you to it, itā€™s very easy to condition to easy activities like watching TV or mindlessly wandering or scrolling. Slightly harder to video games, especially depending on their complexity. Somewhat harder to reading and endurance training. Harder to resistance training, because of intensity. Harder to doing mathematics.

So when you engage in very easy and simultaneously attention consuming activity you experience a lot of exhaustion, because your energy is spent on keeping you involved but no actual ā€œtrainingā€, because of no effort. Studying is usually far less ā€œinterestingā€ and requires more effort, canā€™t grab a lot of attention for most folks. Thus it feels easier. But the core reason of you feeling ā€œfriedā€ isnā€™t dissimilar.

When you condition yourself to one activity sufficiently so you become resilient to it, say scrolling 20hrs a day, then you get adaptations that arenā€™t necessarily good for anything else. And trying to do something else will feel very hard, not because itā€™s harder due to you becoming ā€œlessā€, but because itā€™s so novel and likely more effort than your brain is conditioned to perform.

Like an ex professional athlete coming to gym again with muscle memory often starts to train and easily beats any other newbies, because everything he is conditioned to training mentally. Contrary a man without any prior physical exercise experience will struggle even woth basics.

Same with mental activity.

So my recommendation is Resilience and pushing through, and once more and study through perseverance, hour after hour. Thatā€™s how itā€™s done.

Dopaminergic manipulation may look like a solution and maybe it really is, but it isnā€™t necessarily root of your problem if thereā€™s even a problem. Itā€™s how learning works, repetition. And when you repeat a lot you are going to deplete you energy, likely same transmitters as when you watch TV, but with studying it doesnā€™t happen as fast, it will eventually if you push through. And itā€™s not a bad sign, just a sign thatā€™s itā€™s time to take a break from current activity and switch to another one. Not sitting helps, by the way.

Itā€™s normal with audiovisual input to have less concentration on surroundings, also trainable, but unnecessary usually.