Dragon Bone Armor

Wow interesting, I just got the shielding 3.0 yesterday and same thing happened to me. First time I was able to lucid dream and see them/ multiple enemies attacking me. I was able to realize it was a dream and jumped out. Never had I been able to consciously do that


Awesome …I have shield 3.0 and it’s better thy still attack but i do get more time to recover and at least a bit enjoyable simplicity of dayli life …we are getting there !! 🪷😀

My awareness it’s stronger :muscle: doing a lot of therapy healing the body …

Stay strong :muscle:


Wow this is the only protection that worked against a coven attacking me. Their voices and demons were gone for over a week but they managed to come back. After Spending hours figuring out how the heck…i found why and a way to get rid of them again. They used their demons to completly destroy my aura and bridge a huge hole in dragon shield.

To fix it and remove their demons + voices i opened this nft , focus on its energy and channeled it to where they made hole ( mainly in the crown chakra and the top of my head. You can feel the armor close up and voices gone. These ass holes still trying to het back in and psychic attacking but im soo glad theor voices are gone


@Psionic How did you know where they’ve made the hole?

Also how did come into contact with these demons? What kind of practices you’re doing? If you tell us @Captain_Nemo could probably patch it & add these demons to the list to block them for good.

The dragon armor feels silky smooth when working, as you read and channel energy to your own aura while breathing in the dragon bone aura (all by intent) and feeling out your aura, it should feel like it is in the clear.
I was able to find the portals and holes they made by using intent to feel it around (by awareness). On top of my head , i felt like a knot where the energy couldnt pass through, it was like it is stuck and prevented from flowing. After channeling the dragon bone armor to the top of my head, after a minute or two I felt a clear passway and how the smart dragon armor can finally felt smooth again. Then the voices turned into soft whispers since it wasnt inside me anymore.
After they saw i closed it up, they where pissed off and they manuelling drilled a hole again, they say it wastheir demons, but since I had de-inhabitor playing in the back, no demon wants to be depatterned. Then they confirmed it was themselves breaking the armor manuelly.
it feels good having some control over myself again, finally figuring out how to push their voices and remote influence away. (they binded a demon to me and use it to talk

Heres a random answer from Quora I found that explains my situation:

There are a lot of misguided but well-intentioned answers here. It is a good idea to rule out a psychological disorder. Most of the folks answering don’t have much knowledge about the metaphysical either. I’ve been a victim of black magic myself and have had similar things happen.

What you’re likely experiencing is a demon that they are using to communicate with you. It may be their voice he is bringing through or the demon just might be mimicking their voice to communicate what the person who sent him against you wants to inform you of. At worst you might be the victim of spiritual technology which can be a nightmare.

Either way, a demon is doing this almost certainly. Witches and dark arts practitioners pay them with offerings and tributes to attack others. They’re very real. Ultimately, they serve Satan. Demons use Death. Satan has the Power of Death.

Here is a fact that you should consider:

If demons are real then Satan is real. If Satan is real then God is real. His Son is Jesus Christ. This is who you need for protection. Think on that a bit if you will.

Demons will use things in the spectrum of Fear to get you to produce negative energy. They’ll then use this negative energy against you. The negative, especially the really negative, blocks out light. Light is Life, Light in the spectrum that your soul sees. It gets complicated but that is the bare bones of the matter. Don’t let it frighten you. Do good works, think positive things, love people as much as you can. It can be really tough but try to look at everything positively.

I’ve been through some rough things. God has always been there even when I didn’t know for sure if He was. I look back and realize that He does listen. Every time. And He helps in ways I didn’t even know I needed. I’ve been attacked by both black magic and tech pretty severely but without Him it would have been a lot worse.

Remember that this is the only place this far down that is physical and other places exist closer to energy. Your spirit inside your body does, too, as well as your soul which exists in the electromagnetic energy field around you. You are a spirit contained in a soul of many layers that inhabits a physical body. You drive it. God provides it life. But you can’t go home to Him without accepting His Son.

I don’t know all the details.of what you are going through. Try this for starters whether you’re a believer or not. The name has authority. Ask them when they communicate “Do you profess that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh?” A Demon will not. Then you’ll have evidence.

The next step is this — mean it and believe that God will help. “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave me alone and trouble me no more. All curses, spells and black magic depart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I ask that all negative entities depart and all portals be closed.”

This should be the only step that you need but it could be a first step in realizing who the true God is.

If you’re an occult practitioner try stopping that for a while. Some things will bring you a lot of trouble.

Christ offers a lot of protection. He is the only way to eternal life, too. We can be dead in spirit while still having a living body — the Father sustains the physical body with Life but for the Spirit to become alive we must accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Then we are connected to His Life. That Life sustains our spirit and we go up to be with Him. He is the only person that can provide this. Receiving Salvation is instant forgiveness and protection. A dead spirit at the death of the physical body goes down, not up.

Romans 10:9 teaches us that ‘if we profess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead we will be saved.’

Give your life to Jesus Christ. Really believe and pray aloud:


Ive always felt the shields or protection servitors around me like close to my body and noticeably working. However id feel naked if i wasnt wearing them, or calling upon them.

The only one i havent tried is the shielding v3, so i am not sure if that one would build the protection over time to stay even if you are not wearing it. But for all the others thats what ive always felt.

Until this one.

2.5 months after wearing it 24/7 it was tested.

Before that i had a week or 2 rough weeks of constant physic attacks and energy sucked, any Deity id called would help right away. But again, naked if not calling them.

Its rare for me to get an attack while i always keep my vibration high, but those days i guess i could not. It was a lot going on.

So then the attacker came by in a seemingly dream/trance i was aware of the attack

Just like you normally try to fight off whatever you think is there when having a sleep paralysis that you cant move? Thats how it felt until i have to call in for help.

BUT NOT THAT DAY… :slightly_smiling_face:

And its when i understood the importance of this NFT. Im not big or super strong. However that night i realized that my astral body was big massive thick strong and powerful.
I mean HUGE its how it felt. I was like woah? And the attacker too was like huh? :rofl: Was going on?, because during the struggle of “him” trying to keep me put to then proceed to suck on my energy, he could not, i shook him off of me and pushed him away with a force unknown to me but that was coming from me. Never - Again :)

In case you are wondering how this must feel on this plane a day to day interaction… i strongly believe its full potential is in the astral… and that includes remote viewing because at the end that is where it unfolded for me.

Now i must give a shout out to the Environmental Energy Servitor, which came out a bit before i got this one, and its what stopped the continued attacks in those days while protecting the environment, until i have grown into this one and i got the opportunity to see its beauty unfold.

Thank you so much for this DreamW


outrageously good resume of this energy tool! thank you for it!


audio added
and in a few others as well, like cloak of the shadows and astrologically inclined


Thank you Captain! You rock!!! :pray:
Can anybody please share with me the audio? I got it a while ago through trade so I don’t have the claim email.


Thank you so much!!


thank you captain

im very happy ,may i ask how long will the affect of the armor will be in my aura?

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I cannot tell you specifically, it can be weeks or more to a lot less.
it depends on your own ‘energetic weathering’


wow weeks … i was assuming max 2 days , great thank you so much… i will play it daily its a very string shield

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I’ve been loving the new music, high vibes.

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i tried many times to dowload can anyone help

I LOVE this audio! The effects of the Dragon Bone Armour were felt instantly for me! Very heavy feeling (Armor will do that :wink: ) the first 30 seconds into pressing play, but that heaviness eased off once my energies adjusted to this awesome field. :smiley:


I will send you the link by message


Please send to me too. I can show it in my wallet if needed


I’ll send it to you now.


yes i would like the shadow the astro and the dragon bone…thanks in advance
and thank you Dream!

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