Dragon Golen, Warning!

They can hear you very well! Ask them to do something and they will do their best to do it! What happens is that sometimes you can ask something beyond his power, so he’ll not be able to do it.


Thank you for this post.
I also created one of Sapien’s dragons and I got really along with them. But since I have a pretty busy life, I told them to go on a mission and learn new things while I am off doing earthly stuff because I can’t be there for them all the time. After reading this I went back to my dragon and apologized and they were so happy to see me. This post should definitely be put into the dragon golem pdf to prevent such things from happening. I’ll also create a tulpa/servitor subliminal in the future which will hopefully help with passively giving energy and love to one’s tulpas and servitors, since many of us have a hard time maintaining these relationships


Yeah, I think it would be VERY nice of DreamWeaver to put into the dragon golem pdf some kind of note about giving them attention, explaining that they have feelings, etc.

I’m happy I could help your dragon to feel happy and see you again!


Damn, only reason I never created a dragon servitor is because I couldn’t decide what purpose I wanted it to serve. Reading this I’m most definitely glad I decided against it. I had 9 servitors a few years ago and got along with them well. I got distracted by entrepreneurial ventures and kept forgetting about them. Eventually I set them all free. On average I only thought of them once every week or two so I hope that was enough for them to survive.

Right before typing this I actually reached out and hopes they all are doing well and are safe. I got some pretty positive energetic responses, so I hope that’s a good sign of confirmation. My female servitor and I were the closest of the bunch although she wasn’t my first. Thanks for sharing this warning with us.


The world needs more people like you, who thinks before doing something :heart:


Thank you. I agree. This world would be much better off if our actions matched our conscious and positive intentions.


Thank you man I am glad to hear it
Wow you are such advanced clairvoyant and you know why?
Because DRAGORAN is my only ametist dragon golem which I imagined, and Staphan Might is my only light servitor. I forgot to tell you that but you saw he is light and white one, wow
I am Speechless, but the point is it’s light servitor


Hey Angel, as your profile is hidden, folks cannot send you PM (I think) :slight_smile:


Wow, nice!

For some reason I get a feeling about the white one not being exactly a dragon golen, I thought you was testing me and giving me a fake name of a dragon that doesn’t exist at all, but I definetelly saw a second being, so I said it anyway.

Maybe my mind get in the way and made me saw it with the shape of a dragon… IDK but it’s interesting

Thank you for letting me know, you’re feedback is very welcome and helps me to get better!


Well, some people are sending me PM, so I guess they can, but I’ll change my profile to public anyways. Thanks!

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It’s a Angel Staphan Might with big wings of archangel
Sorry for confusing you
But you are indeed very very good



Next time I’ll not let my mind get in the way lol

It’s the problem with seeing with my eyes closed, my mind can confuse things sometimes, but well, with training eventually it’ll be perfect! :smile:

Thanks man!


Hey Angel,

First of all, its AWESOME to have a full-blown Clairvoyant on here in this forum…

If I may ask, what do you think of Servitors and Guardians here?



You are welcome friend

Can you see if they progressed without me or they are on same level as they were when I left them, can you see their levels perhaps?

And could I use them now without items I am afraid I will lose again them somehow accidentally if put on items

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Thanks! I hope I get better at this, so I can be of more help! :slight_smile:

Well, I asked years ago about them and the owner of the site said it’s created with the Energetic Addentum Est if I’m not wrong.


This lady has been here for a long time and if I remember right, before the book came out - but it is quite possible she is now using the book haha, way easier than deep trance work lol


Yes you can, but they will not have the same power as if they have an item. The item is like a portal to them so they can manifest their powers here on the physical place more powerfully. And they like to have items! Pu them on something that can’t be destroyed very easily, like a ring, a rock…

Well, they NEVER learn new things with you don’t ask them too, or give them permission, so they are at the same level yet, but know they are more intelligent and can learn faster! I know this because I said to mine to learn whatever they like, and they asked if I give them permission, because without it, they don’t do anything. They are VERY loyal, honored and friendly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah, it was years ago, I don’t remember if she said is was from the book or if she said if was very similar… One of this two :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, poor thing! Yeah, sure, PM me!

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Done, now it’s public!