Dragon Golen, Warning!

I think you’re not referring to me right ? I only created one of them .

WTF that’s so wierd, I used the pic of the White Dragon to depict a character in a story about dragons that I wrote last weak.

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There’s no coincidence clairvoyant this best knows

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@Angel is there some way to “free” them if you dont need help anymore?
Just to not create more suffering?


Noble thought!


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG Can you guys weigh in on this?


So I have had some communication with Metatron on the matter. Here is what you will need to do.

Seal of Metatron

First, use Animal Empathy/Telepathy. This will allow for conceptual communication with higher beings.

Second, use any fields of your choice to enhance the connection. Alien Intercession is ideal for this (suffice to say there are incarnations of these beings all over the place… an alien/demon/angel/fae is all one being in many places at once, as are we). Or use no fields, if you prefer.

Third, stare at the image. Speak to Metatron in your mind. Ask to be connected to the Metatron Neural Net. The Metatron Neural Net was cocreated by me to allow those connected to share knowledge (essentially). It can be visualized as a neural net of zero point energy. Allow this energy to enter your body (probably through your crown chakra, possibly through your heart chakra). If you are hip to the visualizations, bring a Metatron’s Cube down from your Soul Star chakra with the Metatron Neural Net connection in it.

Fourth, you are now connected to some new stuff. Reach out through the net and ask Metatron to connect any and all servitors you have cocreated to it. Then give all the servitors permission for unlimited learning, and instruct them to do something cool (if they have nothing else to do, transmute bad energy in their environment, for example). Instruct them to heal and support one another, and to bring it to your attention immediately if there are any servitors connected to you that are languishing. Call any with homes that are lost or who you have abandoned, and ask them to go into a new home. If you don’t have one for them, release them to the universe to find their highest and happiest purpose.

You are done. You may find the Metatron Neural Net offers you some new possibilities.

Feel free to modify or make this into a more ritualistic experience. I’ve been in regular communication with Metatron as my higher-higher self for at least a couple of years, so I tend to just put myself in the right state of mind and talk to him.


Well, if you let them free, they will be very sad, because they was createad by you and the only purpose to them to live is to serve you, basically… If they don’t have a purpose, they get sad and die eventually…

What you can do is create an astral realm for them and let they be free in there. They will be very happy with this. Or you can keep them with you and talk to them once a week and ask them to learn things like protection, healing, etc. It’s always good to have powerful dragons on your side!


Is there any way I can train to sense (ideally see, but most importantly sense) the energy of the golem?

I’ve given it some tasks before, talked to it a lot, and maybe it worked… idk

I have no idea if the golem is even on my object. I’m worried if I spend all this time with it it’ll be for nothing cause it might not even be on the object

Was considering making my own servitor just to counter-act this, but I have no idea if a self-made servitor can be as powerful as the ones dream makes. I always prefer self reliance

but yeah if anyone has any methods or anything I can use to see if the little guy is alive or not, would much appreciate

I think a lot of that is based on your subconscious programming at the time of creation. Tell them by finding their highest and happiest purpose they ARE serving you. If they want to show up from time to time in your life and offer help you didn’t know you needed, they are welcome to.

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@Angel Wouldn’t this apply to any servitor? I don’t have a dragon but a custom servitor. Would my servitor require the same attention and if he doesn’t get it for a long time, he will die?

Well, it’s possible indeed…

The servitors I’ve made with the EAE pdf haven’t emotions. I asked for a few if they have dreams, desires, emotions… They said no, but they also said they can learn to if needed or asked.


@Angel Oh I see. That’s interesting to know. Can I pm you please?

Maybe the new course? IDK since I don’t have it.

Robert Bruce has awesome books and videos for this too:

And DreamWeaver recommended a book for clairvoyance some time ago:


Yes sure :slight_smile:


Hi @Angel, do you know if the Dragon Golem has a built-in ability to forcibly pull the astral body upon request?

Pm me pics for the golems that you said are dead. Very possible they may not be. I’ll confirm along with dream who’s the original creator as well.


The description says he goes about his own business when you don’t have enough to keep him busy. That’s one reason I’m using this one. He has his own life.


Yeah… Making family and kids… :innocent: