Dragon Viscera (Private)

A draconic transformation (upgrade) of the organs, inclusive of perfect restoration of condition and function, taking into consideration and tailored to the human health, biology and structure for users to become a dragon in human skin.

1: The Primary

A: Dragon’s Heart

B: Dragon’s Lungs

C: Dragon’s Mind/Brain (Based on the template of ancient dragons possessing beyond human intelligence and to facilitate mind and body harmony)

2: The Secondary

A: Dragon’s Liver

B: Dragon’s Kidneys

C: Dragon’s Gastrointestinal Organs (Stomach & Intestines)

3: The Tertiary

A: Dragon’s Reproductive Organs (Enhancement geared towards each gender’s reproductive advantage and desire)

B: Dragon’s Eyes (Perfect eye health and visual acuity, additionally activates primal submissive instincts in others with eye contact)

C: Dragon’s “Scales” (Molecular/Atomic re-organization of the skin and its layers to remove all surface imperfections such as scars and increase skin durability/health)

Audio + Mandala


Not sure what you mean to say but sure :+1:


Oh yes, another addition to the dragonic transformation!
Thank you for this!!! So happy!!

anybody wana share their experience?

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Dont know if its because of this one, but i think it cures my stomach issues, also i feel it strenghten all my organs. Stronger heart, stronger lungs, better kidneys and liver.
It does pretty much what its written except for the scars.
I run it everyday for more than 1h.
Also for the Mind/Brain part, i cant exactly tell, its too hard to define exactly his supposed effect because i loop 4 others fields for the brain.
BUT i also feel a better connection for the meditation purpose between the mind and body. Hard to describe, its like moving your energy with ease in the whole body.
I remember Alkul talking about getting an unified energetic body, well that’s pretty much what’s its done, and it is one of my main goal i’m willing to achieve.


Do u meditate with it or just standard use like mandala carry + audio 3x a day?

This one seems to have quite a lot of potential, planning on working with it further.

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I dont specifically meditate with him. I run it now between 1 and 2h/day.

He’s very potent, but i feel he needs a lot of time and dedication to release all his effects, for exemple, its been only one week i feel he works on my sexual energy.

Also he’s working deeply on the heart but he needs time to feel it.

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Do you listen to kinetic quasi crystal? It would allow you to shorten your listening time to subsequent energy audios and yet their effects would last longer

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I did in the past
I should do it again, but honestly i feel great with my actual playlist and i keep increase results.

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Edit : Now i focus much more on eliminating negatives thoughts, negative patterns etc with the help of The Superior Mind.
I feel really better than focusing on increasing physical results which lead imo to overwhelming and a constant state of tiredness.
Previously, I was looping Blueprint of Life on one device for 4 hours a day, along with Kinetic Quasi Crystal for the same duration, and Viscera/Dogma/Aether Snake. This was a great experience, but very exhausting, and it didn’t lead to quicker results as I initially expected.
Now i feel less is more, and its better to increase your balance between Hard Training and Recovery. With my current protocol i get much better results than before, and i’m very happy and satisfy with it

Hope my experience could help anyone here