Drawn Abundance tag

Just found a 100 on the floor at my job!!! Yeahhhhh :smiley:


Omg this makes me regret a little bit that I just swapped tags with a buddy. Gave him my abundance tag and now wearing his BPIL. Letā€™s hope if he finds any $$ heā€™ll feel like sharing his blessings.:smile:


You work at the right place for this!!
I find money on the street and I have found by the cashier in shops, but people probably lose money in clubs more often than other places.

I read some statistics about this a while ago, people lose a lot of money in a year. In bigger cities the amount is on average is bigger because of the amount of people.
Itā€™s only logical someone finds it, just have to be at the right place at the right time.


Well go on like this and you will see that progress. A suggestion, also to facilitate your work at the club and all the environment that surrounds you, wouldnā€™t it be nice if you also had The Plasma Flower?
Thanks for sharing and keep us updated.

You can always buy it back, especially if you feel inside that it is the right Tag, trust your intuitions!


Donā€™t worry I find money with normal wealth stack and probability and luck fields.
I do have the tag now but it started already with the stack!


Haha thatā€™s okay, I truly feel he needed it more. Mind Settings album still got me covered. :+1: And yes I can repurchase later on if needed.

When i got this one id been already wearing for months Intercession and had the lucky mandala + abundance and prosperity, + a brazalete charged with the lucky sigil, all combined were giving me results so i didnt notice much of a difference except that ive gotten gifts like if it was my birthday or xmas, from little things to bigger ones without me asking at all, and all of them have been things i needed or wanted right at the time, i always giggle about it. And the sense of being like ā€˜coveredā€™ despite the fact that ive been without a steady income since May 2019 lol living with care with my savings until i finally start the new job, and always always things work perfectly, the feeling of security increased big time when i got the Schumann tag (which was paid by me but sent to a friend in Ca that then sent it to me through dhl because courier in Mexico sucks) i was supposed to pay that shipping cost but he paid it and refused to accept the money, all my family and close friends are always asking me if i need anything and even if i say i am OK, they still find a way to help. It really is awesome.


Absolutely. I wake up to LGA (Love Gratitude Appreciation) +Millionaire+Abundance Mindset every morning. Itā€™s lovely. If for some reason I skip them, some of the old anxiety returns.

I think thatā€™s the sign itā€™s ā€œworkingā€, I donā€™t feel deprived, and I have a knowing that the more I give, the same or even more will come back to me eventually.:blush:


A few tips. Donā€™t expect your friend to give you something, even if he increases his income a lot, rather prepare the way through the Mind Settings album Mind Settings, Iā€™ve read very positive feddbacks about this album, donā€™t underestimate it because itā€™s much more effective than anything out there on YT: Iā€™ve been following subliminals and other methods for years, but Iā€™ve never read positive testimonials on this topic! Of course you can always buy it back, and it will not have been useless to exchange it with your friend because in addition to helping him, it will bring you very good.

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Iā€™m listening to it religiously from the day one (14.11.2020.) many times a day, like a lot. And Iā€™m yet to see any results, sadly.

The way I see it, if your best path sees it fit for you to have abundance at this moment, youā€™ll get it! If it sees it best for you to have it later, youā€™ll have it later!

Iā€™m going to stop wearing glory after this year and switching to BPIL myself :slight_smile:

Yeah Iā€™m so grateful, drunk people are the best at losing money :smiley:

Iā€™ve been so grateful for this abundance tagā€¦ Literally every day at work Iā€™m getting extra money nowā€¦ Before the tag it was really hit or miss, like once or twice a week out of the 6 days workingā€¦

Iā€™m grateful for every penny I come across! I pick up pennies and stuff from the floor and feel the gratitude as if it where the same as finding 20 bucks! I do this for manifesting more abundance :)

Iā€™m getting it Wednesday when I pick up my check! Although, i already have the sacred flower tag !


Are you listening to any fields for luck? What else do you listen to bro?


Only Mind Settings Album. I listen sometimes Negative planetary effects and Increase the positive, but not consistently. And of course Torsion, Plasma, Grounding etc.

EDIT: And Love, Gratitude and Appreciation and Gratitude and Abundance.

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