Drawn Abundance tag

What are your experiences?

I have it 6 months.i find a job with the basic salary in a job I like.and sometimes we get a little extra money from the sales.from spiritual stuff I am calmer but I also do diaphragmatic breathing and mindfulness.thats the things I have noticed


Somebody else?

I’ve had mine for about a month. When I first got it I’d read that it does this kind of back luck then good luck effect. It’s true, but the way the good luck and abundance came out was so awesome and literally crazy, it was bizarre. I would tell the story but I’m not going to right now. The tag does work. It found major abundance for me but I had to let go of something that was keeping me away from what I needed. Abundance is more than money and material. Abundance is a peace of mind and the ability to have abundant thoughts which gives way to abundant opportunities.

I will say a person in my life was hogging alot of my time, patience and general mental space. When I got the tag, I got that person out of my life like I had been needing to. I attribute some of it to the abundance tag in a very weird weird way that only the abundance tag could’ve cleared a path so distinctly. The events that played out after directly tied in to me having more abundance and more monetary help. It was shocking. This is a mysterious worker. If you wear it and start to think about just getting money or where you will get cash from, it will show you where that path is and clear it…but it might be abrupt and your life make take a U-Turn for the tag to help you direct your path. You’ll be better off if you can deal with the changes and acknowledge your blessings.



Did you move away from the person, was it the circumstances or the person himself who turned away from you?

It’s complicated. They did not leave me, I made the decision that they were not beneficial for my energy or my life at the moment. I had been thinking it for weeks but a few days after I got the tag, a situation presented itself which made it clear that they should not be in my life. I also got the notion that if I continued allowing them in my life at this rate, they would continue to drain me, my resources and my energy.

I think this can help with people who are leeching off of you in any way. Any kinds of people that are sucking your abundant nature may be removed from your life some way or some how or you will see why they should not be in your life. Even if it’s not forever, it will be less difficult to make decisions to relieve yourself of people who are not beneficial to you right now.


This worked for you as BPIL


Yes I believe so

So wearing BPIL will actively work, giving back a better person

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Yeah, it’d probably make a really great combo!

I’ll add that i generally feel more abundant with everything I have. I don’t worry about money as much. I still think about it, but attaining it and having it exactly how I want it doesn’t worry me. The detachment from money is happening much more easily.

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Does this work in the long run?

Yes. Over time you just get more in tune with Abundance and prosperity as a natural state for you.

So does the Tag work in the immediate (money when are they needed?) And in the long term in the development of wealth?

It works as soon as you start wearing it to work on making you abundant and prosperous over the long run. I do believe it works on finding as much opportunity in your current worldview to make money and keeps expanding it.

You’ll find yourself needing less and being provided with more and then eventually just realizing you’ll always be provided for because life has always provided. We just become out of harmony with the natural organic state of Abundance. Once we are tuned in, it’s just a way of perceiving things.


In short, do you mean that feeling relieved and seeing abundance as a not difficult option, immediately manifests itself in reality?

With the tag you are instantly put in direct alignment with Abundance.

Your current thoughts and feelings about your own prosperity and abundance will be refined and you’ll begin to recognize the truth about it always being there.

Also Plasma Flower can help, read below


I offered this tag to my mother. The overall mindset of hers about money improved a lot. It’s noticeable that she acts less and less from a state of lack - this was a deep rooted belief in her mind - she’s more calm and confident about the financial security of all family and this helps to keep her anxiety away more. The tag arrived June last year after roughly 6 months of shipping problems - due the the pandemic also I think- when she first get it her situation with an insurance money she deserved to receive got resolved just like that. In facf the letter from the company arrived barely in the same week! After that in November she managed to sold a property that my family had for sale for almost two years.


Excellent feedback, it shows that the tag also unlocks still situations.
Thanks for sharing


Little mini testimonial

Gotten two big tips two days in a row at my job :slight_smile:

I would get lighter ones here and there and still be confused as to how my coworkers where talking about the huge tips they’d get at work lol (basically more than what they made hourly that the day) I’ve had the tag for almost a week, took a few days for it to remove blockages in my mindset :slight_smile: so grateful for this new found abundance :pray:

(Ive been working over a month and the tips I would get where 20 bucks here and there lol… And my coworkers spoke of getting these big tips on a dailyyyy i was like man, when is it gonna be my turn!)

In reality it was my “post” aka location at work that didn’t allow me to get into the right circumstances for tips, but now it’s like the opportunities find me lol

I work at a club as a bouncer and people always treat you for doing things for them and my post never allowed me to be in a good spot for any one to ask me to do anything for them, though the post later in night are changing (I’m no longer posted i can now roam the club when the restaurant closes, before i couldn’t roam, and i was stuck in a corner lol, roaming allows for people to see me and ask me for things) its the original “bad” posts that I’m still at where i received these opportunities :slight_smile:

I said mini testimonial but then i was like wait i should explain more lol


It allowed me to get tipped in areas of the restaurant/club where i believed there was no way I’d get a tip

And its changed my posts later in the night to a highly advantageous place for receiving tips (yet to receive tips here but I’m excited to see what will come from it)