Request for a Dream field to support or decrease the ukraine situation

They don’t make movies like that nowadays [sigh].


:star_struck: “So let it be written…so let it be done!”


:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



True this… All of this applies to COVID as well. Now we gotta see what happens to Taiwan. With a lot of old, long forgotten forces rising, brand new forces coming in - lot of changes are going to happen, and most are going to be very uncomfortable…

I just stopped watching TV today. Some of the images are too heartbreaking - fathers hugging kids before sending them off to safe zones, etc.


@Maoshan_Wanderer Is this relevant for this situation?


There are quite a lot of forces at play here.
I will just say i personally think that i can feel certain energy signature in/around some key members of this conflict that are also, let’s say ‘powerful’.

I don’t think the level of escalation is set in stone, but maybe I am wrong. Wasn’t WW2 victory and scenarios also meticulously planned by the side that lost in the end? There can always be other forces at play.
The situation in Ukraine is special (i dont mean to discount the effects of was anywhere) because of the potential of escalation at the moment. Maybe the fact that I am rather “close” to the conflict also plays a role in me seeing it like that.

to the owners of Sekhmet NFT:

(+1: For those interested in the foreign policy, or “foreign affairs”, is a very good website/journal, they limit 1 free article / month but it can be circumvented. )


I agree with you about TV. The majority of TV programs are gross and take us to another level…by the way I don’t watch TV I just use TV because it’s connected to Youtube…and I can even also say that TV is a “portal”!..but that’s another subject and I will leave it for another conversation if you will.

However, I’m obliged to say that my position is not based on TV! I don’t know you, but I live in Spain where there are many Ukrainians living here. So this subject is very hot here! Just yesterday those people plus others organized a meeting on the streets just below my window! I don’t need TV to see them crying or to know what’s going on! I even have students that are ukrainians and I talk to their parents.

I see and hear people suffering! I’m enough intelligent to understand the impact that this will and also already have on the economy!

That’s my point! Besides all the “hidden and planned agenda” people (like you and I) are suffering! Of course there are layers of secrets that we are not aware and are supported by unbenevolent “beings”. If you are into the “occult” practices you know that for sure!

I don’t believe in extinguish or putting out a fire with gasoline! So since we have spiritual tools that are based in LOVE (with capital letters!) I thought that it would be great to use them for all the suffering that are happening RIGHT NOW!

When I hear I CAN’T or WE CAN’T I see a believe pattern not different them mine when I say I CAN or WE CAN DO SOMETHING TO HELP! That’s when I thought to ask Dream who is (at least for me!) such a versatile soul to create something specific for this situation. I really do hope my logic makes sense!

YES!!! I agree again, but how we can help it? Is there a way with our “field’s knowledge” to help it? Or are we are going to cross our arms and leave it on “God’s Hands” since He knows what He is doing? What if it is part of this “plan” that we should get together in order to help it? What if the “Superior Beings” need our assistance for it?

I believe in things that the normal eyes and ears can’t get! I believe not because of faith, but because of real experiences! I don’t believe that the sun is coming tomorrow I KNOW that the sun is coming tomorrow! I don’t need faith for it! The same is for frequencies or any other spiritual experiences and knowledge! But I know also that it’s necessary a mass of people for certain “special circumstances”!

I understand that we privately or in group can create rituals, meditations, send energies or any other technique we know to it, but the basic idea for opening this thread (since we are on Sapien Medicine Forum) was to ask Dream to create something special for it…in other words: A FIELD FOR IT! He has created so many fields for impossible situations that any doctor would say that it’s crazy, but we know they work! Why not one for this where the planet and many innocent people are suffering? If they suffer we suffer too! The air that breezes here is the same that breezes there!..and vice-versa!

Ah, by the way and just to finish…I’m here in this forum, on Patreon, bought several fields, bought several tags, bought the paper book, use servitors, promote and support Dream’s work to everyone I meet and even joined the paid course like most of us because: I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!

Please, I’m more than open to change if I’m thinking wrongly! Please, feel free to explain CLEARLY why we should not use our faculties and knowledge to alleviate or ease this situation and if I have done wrong to ask Dream to think about this war situation and come up with a “special field” to help it to be less devastating!

PLEASE, I really do apologize in advance if any of my words and sentences are not clear or sound awkward since english is not my first language!

I know that WE ARE THE WORLD!

…and again, LOVE IS THE ANSWER :pray: :heart: :pray:


The cabal elites know that feelings manifest reality.

By putting so many people under fear and anger with negative news they are lowering the planet’s average vibration.
…which then increases their occult grip over the world.

Whatever you believe is true, do not allow for your vibration to be lowered.

Stay away from news with video, pictures and voice.
This is highly toxic programming for the subconscious mind that is only there for people to feel fear and anger and that the world is dangerous and that they are powerless.

If you can’t help and need to stay informed, read the news as plain text only.


Wholeheartedly agree.

I came from home to work feeling good, i know what ia happening, i know how horrible it is, i am doing the best i can.

Came to the office to a meeting and my boss was watching (with volume) videos of whats happening there and people crying and all, i was shaking in seconds, almost having a panick attack, i told him, dont do that.dont start your day with this, watching that cant solve anything instead… blah blah, and he was like, yeah i know i know and moved on to next video!! :anguished::triumph: all the while we sitting there waiting on the meeting to start.

I got up and left.

And it took me almost 2 hours to feel really ok again.

When i left home my heart was warm and i could feel the power enhanced by the servitors/deitiee i was hooked on to send that over there.

I felt how that strength was vanishing and then i felt disconnected.

Stay away from news.

We know what is happening, we know the suffering, the consequences etc.

If we want to contribute we gotta keep our vibration HIGH theres no other way.


This is also known as “negative dopamine”:

People’s limbic system gets triggered by certain stimuli (like potential threats, but also the excitement to absorb new information) for the release of dopamine.
The dopamine release makes one hooked “to explore”.
And also to go back to the source of the dopamine and do more of the same, again and again.

And then this stimulus is combined with negative suggestions to the subconscious mind.
While under the rush of dopamine, the rational part of the brain is dumbed down and suggestabilty is heightened.
That way people don’t realize they are being intensively brainwashed.
Instead they believe they are doing “something important for their survival or education”.

It is the same mechanism as why people return to watch porn or go on YouTube and search for videos that would “confirm their anger about how that last Star Wars movie is trash” etc.

There are thousands of YouTube channels that produce nothing but “anger porn” content.
Those channels use the same principles as all those propganda TV channels.
When something bad happens, and be it just that a sack of rice in china fell of the shelf, they will amplify the drama and make a huge emotional scene out of it in order to trigger the limbic system.


I saw someone recommend Brad Johnsons healing cards on another post so I’ve been watching his youtube videos recently and stumbled upon this, I think its interesting that he echoes the captains sentiments when he said this seems like a play and theres a lot going on behind the scenes thats not what it seems. I’ll post the link incase anyone is interested, he starts talking about the conflict from about the 32 minute mark: New Earth Insights - Ep #18: Pluto Return, The Future of Governments, Russia/Ukraine Psyop + Q&A - YouTube


Pluto return has something with this?
Planets effects?


Sorry, @anon46361632 missed your post earlier. Yes! This should be a very good choice as it is used to not only win battles but also to ward off disasters - so it applies both ways.

In fact, a student of mine from India wrote to me that they are performing the Shatachandi ritual to avoid a third world war and I gave him some suggestions on what mantras to use. There is a technique called sampuṭīkaraṇa where you sandwich each of the 700 mantras of Chandi with some specific other mantras to magnify and project the effect to the universe.

India seems to have not sided with Ukraine fully (owing to political compulsions) but several folks tell me prayers and rituals are on for peace.


One thing have caught my attention, is that the US intell was 100% Accurate, it didn’t stop Putin but it gave big advantage to biden.

India not sided with ukraine because india mostly buy arms from Russia.


Hi everyone,

I found a FREE curious product related to help the situation in Ukraine that could be useful. I’m just showing it in case you guys and girls want to give it a try aswell.

As with all these kind of tools the most important thing to make it work is to connect with our REAL INTENTION!!!

As you all know even a simple piece of paper could work if we put REAL intention on it! A sigil works based in this principle, right?

So here is someone who took his time to put the intention to create a “World Peace Talisman” and all we have to do is put aside our second thoughts and join other users who are doing the same to bring it to our planet.

There are enough crazy people thinking about war…why not create our own thoughts to make this world a better place to live?

In order to get it you just have to go to the website and download the original version of the talisman. Remember, it’s FREE as it should be for this kind of situations!

Here is the link if you want to give it a try :point_down:

The talisman will look like this:

Just download the REAL ONE from the website :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

It’s also very easy to use!

…Love Is The Answer :pray: :heart: :pray:


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Russia is being knocked out of tenders: India will buy $3 billion worth of weapons from the United States…India refuses to purchase Russian helicopters … Over the past decade, India’s defense purchases from the United States have grown to about $20 billion

It crazy how the news reports urkraine soliders that are dying but when it comes to cillvian in the middle east it doesnt matter.

Because Ukraines “Are more like us” Nice :man_shrugging:

But hey thats just my opinion

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Did u expect me to name every wrong i know?
How about muslim in china the Ughurs huh?
China in asia no?
you never mentioned that either huh?

and so much more