Dream's specialty

I like how you mention potion because I used subliminal warlock frequencies to get taller for a week.

Result: horrible nightmares, felt a lot of fear, weird random headaches.

I stopped using and am back to normal now


I am no expert in morphic fields nor a “trusted member” or any of those fancy sounding stuff, nor do i have an adequate vocabulary to put everything correctly, but I do believe I can give my fair share on this question as a non-biased long-time listener and user of Dream’s fields :slight_smile:. It might be especially useful to new people that might be hesitant and are lurking the forum.

First of all, Dream’s fields feel so pure for me, the energy seems neutral, which is one of the aspects that attracted me to this channel when I discovered it in 2019. There are literally zero side effects if you follow the instructions, and everything just feels right.

I come from a muslim background but never was really into islam (just my family). Then I converted to Christianity as I thought it would find me peace and answers to my questions, but that was not it either.

Then, when I finally came accross Sapien’s Medicine channel, my life quality improved and things started falling into place, and I transformed spiritually a lot. For example, prayers under the “Angelic Intercession” or “Sword of St. Michael” fields were much more useful , divine and effective to me than all of the islamic and christian prayer chants the whole life.

Another reason what separetes Dream to other creators in my opinion is that his fields do exactly what is stated in the description. No exaggerations or false promises. Nothing more, nothing less. Some fields serve as direct tool, while others aid us to open and explore the possibilities on our own.

Now, after couple of years listening to Sapien Medicine, I cannot imagine going a day without listening to a field.

Dreamweaver is truly a divine being.


Nah, You too OP for that. :pray:


The OP question is a category mistake. The Captain crafts products via a particular manner (no idea what that is). For purposes of this thread I will call it a High Manner or Greater Manner. I deem it so because I feel very confident about his physical fields. I have used them a lot and can feel very precise effects. Also, I get a lot of feedback from people that I’ve recommended use the Sapien Medicine fields to augment their medical care. It’s pretty easy for these people to feel the effects. And there is no WAY that I would suggest to these people other “creators” who would mimic the Captain’s descriptions. I’d be terrified to do so. I’m not saying that others who use the term ‘morphic fields’ are incapable of generating some sort of effect, but I regard those as works created in a lesser manner. If that’s how I feel about physical matters, it’s easy to guess what I might think of suggesting a spiritual or alchemical field made by these types to those same ill people.

And, as I say somewhat often on this forum, just browse on over to Dream Seeds channel to get a measure of the difference between the Captain and the others. I’ve never even seen other “creators” attempt the to copy many of those fields e.g. The Whale Experience, The Star Being Experience, Precambrian Era Time Portal and many more. Such fields do not offer an appeal to our vanity or fears. They do not suggest easy monetization. Instead, there offer opportunities to experience something beyond yourself, outside of any human tradition And they are demonstrations of vast power and ability.

Which is why I regard this question–and its endless iterations–as a category mistake. It’s not two instances of Greater. It’s one Greater and a lot of lessers.


This makes me age backwards, least 10 people told me :100:


Also look at the complexity of any NFT for instance. Or the sheer quantity of fields in general.
And the generosity.


Again… can people stop being so rude

Dreamweaver has created inconceivable things, things you would never be able to experience “normally”

You stumble upon this entire world and you ask what’s your specialty?


I use this analogy a lot but enter any gallery from a famous artist and ask them what their specialty is.

See for yourself.

No one is going to give you a shortcut so you can continue to be lazy and unaware. Because that’s what that question is asking,

How can I continue to put the least amount of effort possible in my own development?

You have to figure out what works for YOU.

Don’t be rude, you know? It’s pretty easy

And ok fine I’m being negative I guess but who cares? I’m usually quiet when I see the same questions over and over because people don’t read the faq-

It’s laziness

That’s not what any of this is about. Fields aren’t just going to wash over you, pick you up change your underpants and drive you to school you have to put in some effort. The very least being, experience the fields yourself. Give yourself an education. Treat it like a journey.

Those of us answering your questions we didn’t gain knowledge by not exploring the fields we explored the fields.

If you’re asking a question like what field do you recommend for hip flexors that’s one thing-

But this is different. Explore yourself.


That is a nonsense that people pull from their ass to use it against you.

People finna remember these spiritual hands are rated E for everyone.



I love this.
Such a great mantra for life


I want people to remember to have patience. Communication is difficult, across generations, cultures, and language barriers, and one’s offense is sometimes another’s inquiry. It’s ok to defend, correct, and even chastise sometimes, but more often than not curious people are going to step on toes, offend, and ask some dumb questions, especially kids. Having such different backgrounds as we all do here, we all need to have patience with each other.

Personally, it took some time to piece together some of the more cryptic messages, phrasing, references, etc and understand the history of how Sapien Med came to be. Less than 1% of the general population is ever going to spend the time doing any of that. They should, but they won’t.

Questions like these are really asking, “where do I start?” Because there are so many options, especially with paid fields and people wanting to use funds wisely (and often people who make their way to these parts are struggling either with health or finances), they get overwhelmed or see the long road of work ahead that inevitably will have to happen, but are struggling now and need something to work for them. I can’t fault people for desperation.

In a world of struggle, I just don’t like seeing a refuge be unwelcoming for people. Others can, understandably, see things differently. Just remember, communication is not easy.


Is there any chance of upgrading BoL with latest tech? I really want to buy BoL but I also feel a lot of difference between the latest and old fields.


Blueprint of Life is already a masterpiece. It doesn’t need to be upgraded.

Can you imagine asking Leonardo Da Vinci to ‘upgrade’ the Last Supper or the Mona Lisa? Asking Michelangelo to ‘upgrade’ the ceiling of the Sistine chapel?

“Hey Michelangelo, I can tell your art has changed a lot since you last painted this ceiling. It’s pretty cool, but would you–” :neutral_face:

Besides being unique, priceless pieces of art individually, each Morphic Field also becomes ‘stronger’ (or ‘deeper’) over time. This is a unique aspect of Morphogenetic Fields in that the more they are ‘used’ or the longer they exist, the greater their impacts (or the easier access we have to them, depending on your perspective). So in a very real sense, they ‘upgrade themselves’ by simple virtue of existing. A field like Blueprint of Life has been used many thousands of times since it was released.

Plus, let’s not forget that feeling and sensation are terrible metrics for the effectiveness of fields. Some of the most potent, powerful and meaningful effects from morphic fields cannot be felt in any measurable way. Many fields produce the ‘most’ sensation only when they have the farthest to push us to reach them or on first contact when the field first interacts with our energy system. That isn’t because they’ve stopped working!

Among other things, Blueprint of Life is applying negentropy at a level even deeper than your cells. What mechanism in your experience as a corporeal being will tell you that molecules in your DNA are being modified? We usually don’t even notice sunburn until it’s too late and that’s literally cells self-destructing because they’ve taken too much DNA damage. We eat stuff every day – sucralose, for example – that literally unravels our DNA and we don’t even notice until the damage becomes systematic. You’ll notice the outcomes of this field, sure, but what do you expect to feel?

Even for the many of us on the forum who are energy sensitive to some degree or another, that ‘sensation’ of ‘energy movement’ isn’t always an accurate barometer. Is there a lot of energy because it’s strong or is there a lot of energy because it’s inefficient? Is it landing where it’s supposed to? Doing what it’s supposed to?

Many creators you can stumble across on YouTube have energetic programming that ‘feel strong’ – but that doesn’t matter because many of them don’t work. Feeling a crud ton of energetic splash when a poorly made bit of energetic programming tries to brute force its way into your energy system is ‘impressive’, I guess, but it doesn’t mean anything.

That isn’t something you have to worry about with the Cap’n. Whether you ‘feel’ the sensation of energy or not is immaterial.

Results are the only way to measure – not ‘feeling’ or ‘sensation’. Blueprint of Life is, for many, a remarkably subtle field. It remakes you from the inside out. You’ll use it for months, possibly even wondering if it’s doing anything at all and only really realizing how much work it’s done when you look back at where you came from. It’s like walking gradually up a hill and turning around to find you’ve ‘accidentally’ scaled a mountain. It’s doing something incredible and it’s doing it perfectly and correctly in harmony with who you are now.

Since its release, the Cap’n has consistently said that it is one of the single most important fields he’s ever produced. That’s no idle boast. Blueprint of Life does exactly what it says on the tin. Of course every craftsman improves on their craft with time and experience, but let’s not pretend that the Cap’n wasn’t already a master when Blueprint of Life was created. You won’t regret buying it even if you think it’s ‘old tech’.

We haven’t ‘obsoleted’ ovens just because there are microwaves now, you know?


I just adore your explanation. @mossyeyes


Understood :blush:. Thanks for the detailed reply.



Amen to that :pray::pray::pray:
What a tremendously beautiful explanation :100:


Thank you for this. Communication -especially across cultures and different groups- is hard. A lot of tolerance, self compassion and benefit of the doubt towards others is required I guess…It must be tiring for those who have been dealing with it a long time/over and over…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::cherry_blossom: