Drinking too much water and peeing a lot

So ever since I’ve started listening to fields and subliminals. I feel really thirsty and drink a shit ton of water throughout the day to quench that thirst. Because of which I pee alot. Can this be damaging to my kidneys or body in anyway? What experiences do you guys have any with this?

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Same problem

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I was in the exact same situation, drinking lots of water and peeing a lot, then I started using Quadible’s Hydration Amplifier field and it helped the body to absorb water more efficiently which in turn reduced my thirst and frequent peeing.


I drink 3 L of water a day.

To avoid peeing so much and flushing out electrolytes or minerals in the process, drink sips at a time, not like one big glass fast in once


That’s side effect of diabetes mellitus (usual diabetes) or diabetes insipidus (usually because of a kidney problem). It can also be a disbalance in your electrolytes, not eating enough salt or potassium. You can also cause it by drinking lots of water ironically, because you flush out the electolytes you already have when you pee. Also if you’re eating more sugar/carbs lately it can also cause the problem, where sugar goes, water follows.


My blood sugars are normal(I’ve tested it). I feel thirsty when I listen to fields or subliminals so it compels me to drink more water and then pee alot as a result.

Try drinking water with some salt and potassium. (In the form of potassium citrate) it should help water be more hydrating. Maybe even water charger can help


I’ve had the same a few years ago. I had to take a shit ton of salt to resolve this . And I really mean a shit ton ,not just a little extra . I must have peed out all my minerals . I drank 5l on some days . I just never stopped beeing thirsty.

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Was this because of listening to fields all the time?

Never connected the dots but it could be actually. Now adays I drink way less , I mainly focus more on minerals and am not that firsty anymore. Avoid drinking low mineral water ,some mineral waters are so low in those that they’re almost distilled water ,which will make you pee out minerals. I only drink real mineral water like gerolsteiner.

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Have you tried using the Water Charger?

Try playing some jing fields for your kidneys/adrenals and try Stress relief too for maybe unwanted cortisol


I have been using the kidney and adrenal healing field every day since it was released. Also I was using the old kidney regeneration field before that.


I found vagus nerve stimulation works even better than stress relief, check it out


I barely get a L in :pensive::sob: