Drops of Memory

There must be 3 requests and then I have a bag of original concepts, a few ready to ship.

This is BrainMania

Also, I have the sword of adipose, but I’d like a specific weight loss field. That’s not related to the brain at all, but it’s still coming.


How does this compare or pair with Multidimensional Mind Conduit? I know this is somewhat open ended and possibly premature since this is brand new, but I’d still like to know, if there is some relation or if the two can serve each other.

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No relations


would this make my memory as good as magnus carlsens lol?

Apparently hes memorized over 10,000 chess games with his unbelievable memory (Not even mildy joking when i say this).

I wonder if the permanent enhancements from this field can eventually get a person to that level?


Play 10,000 chess games and find out. @lol

Memorizing chess games is experience dependent plasticity memory.

Magnus was memorizing all sorts of things since he was a kid.

You have to develop specific memory through those experiences.

The operative word - “experience”.

Anyway these are my thoughts.

I see a lot of people asking around things like this on a bunch of brain field threads.

Wanting this or that XYZ person’s abilities or skills.

When you can eventually do as much or even more, in your own unique/better way - long term speaking.

Of course give or take time.

Now go and do.


Prepaid credit card, please. :smiley: :wink:

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Lol, I can barely keep up, there’s only 24h in one day. My Brain field folder has gotten fatter and fatter. Now I’m creating backups


Wait, what?

Interesting, working memory of mine is a lagging factor.

Man y’all are making it hard to choose which field to get next. I wanna be proficient in conceptual thinking with conceptual conglomerate but this one is also too good to pass up as well.


I will cut back on my current brain stack and just use this and update within a week.

Right now I’m noticing a high sense of flow with it.

Kind of like how when Eddie in Limitless starts trading and shuts everything around him.

Memory wise I’m feeling a more concentrated effect in my prefrontal lobes/forehead.

And the fingertip feel you get with recall once you are in the zone.

Attentional blinks are dissolving, and I am grounded in my own silver thread of memory archives.

I know the field is highly advanced, so this is just surface level feedback.

The dual memory is gonna be great for my brain regimens, and tests I will be running with it.

This was an instant buy for me, and will continue to be a daily cornerstone for brain evolution.


Let’s rip off the bandage now, it’s only going to get harder and harder

8 months more to go


Hold up :rofl::rofl::rofl: 8 months of brain mania?


Say goodbye to spaced repetition.


Well, I’m stacking designs that have yet to be released and so far, the smarter I got the more designs I come up with. We’ll see…

It’s an open bet
But I know there are some entire areas we haven’t touched yet and even Dream’s still getting smarter after all this time.


8 months of designs? Crazy lol

I think it’s good that I’ve reached my limit. I’ll need to plan out the future more carefully so I don’t eat too far into my funds lol

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Yeah, it will still be up there on the store next year and the year after.

I’m anticipating and forging while the metal is still hot.


I’ve still got the paranoia from when some things got pulled from the store and never reappeared. But it’s a nice thought that they’ll still be there in a year or two—much more comforting than 12 copies max of an NFT lol


That’s how I see it, producing now what you’ll use next year or the years after.

I hope that’s how it goes

So far, if someone had the money and used brain fields exclusively, he could have managed all the releases since November. But even that hypothetical person won’t keep up in the near future.


If only gumroad had pay in 4 :frowning:. I would be buying so many fields rn.