Dry Fasting 3 Days

I’m starting my 3 days dry fasting tomorrow, aiming for detoxifying and gaining my 100% health back.

Three audios I will listen to are

Kidney and adrenal 3x
Full body detox 2x
Lymphatic system 4+

Join me if you want :blush:


my man, you are trying a lot of things in a very sort amount of time. How will you know what works and what doen’t?

I’m not human dont worry :grin: I stopped everything and focused on This right now.

good luck in your fast, i don’t know if i can stand 3 days without eating hahaha


I’ve noticed the more energy work I do, the more water I need to consume. I say this to encourage you to consider a more conservative approach to using fields during your dry fast.

Also, please take into consideration the relative humidity of the environment where you live. I live in a desert, so dry fasting for me was especially difficult, as we dehydrate here simply by breathing. If you’re in an extra dry climate, 3 days might be too long - just listen to your body.

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You’d be surprised what you can do with enough motivation. I did something called The Master Fast System (which is nothing but grape juice, bitter healing herbs, and a fiber & bentonite clay mix) for 35 days straight, took a month off, then did another 80 day fast.

One of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, but completely reversed MANY chronic health issues (leaky gut, parasites I picked up during missionary work in Mexico, heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, etc)

This is the article that convinced me to try it:


Motivation Is the key

vergil approves of this

truly impressive

Indeed. Good luck on your fast!


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Thanks and I will posting here every 24 hours how I feel


Me too

How is your fasting?

Good luck man,
I would join yours but finished yesterday mine

I did a 72h fast.
With 53~h dry.

As my first attempt. I didn’t want to move further as I didn’t felt needed. You can do it also :slight_smile:

As per audios, honestly, i Just stucked with mainly detoxing, lymph, adrenals, APMK, politics of the body album, photosynthesis, nothing else I think. I will confirm and later on edit if it’s the case.


And how was the process?

I always quit :sweat_smile: and lack of motivation

But I will keep trying

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I haven’t completed it, but soon I hope will try again with motivation.

Why exactly are you trying it?

I merely done it to be able to increase my productivity and focus on another subjects. The “secret” is to have some desirable outputs. If you are focused, immersed, living with joy, the tought of food or drinks does not arise.

I can’t really explain but it was nothing enforced really… Which is why I resumed eating after 3 days, nonetheless, keeping it to two meals a day.

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Want to regain my health back that I lost due to bad eating habit and the increase amount of toxins in my body.

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