Dyspraxia help

Is there a field that can help with dyspraxia? I was thinking about the field of microkinesis but I have no idea. If anyone has any recommendations I would appreciate it.

Maybe Kinesthetic Intelligence

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Yes… that’s the only result that comes up when you search for dyspraxia on the forum. Any other fields that might help?

Brain regeneration fields and Plasma brain of youth and Microkinesi therapist field.

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Yeah, I would also look to Permanent Brain Enhancement. Although the latter is I understood more focused on intelligence, memory and speech … @DR_MANHATTAN may be able to answer better on the latest fields and developments.

Well, I agree with @Jojo, I think the Kinesthetic intelligence is the best choice available.

But there is also a free solution, as someone who was and is still at least officially diagnosed with dyspraxia, I have found that the induce creativity audio (an older YouTube field) really improved my coordination, I had trouble with simple daily tasks from getting dressed to finally getting my driver’s license. It was quasi-miraculous for me.

So if you can’t afford Kinesthetic intelligence, I recommend Induce creativity if it’s still available


Good to know Doc, I have a rather unconventional coordination system, i’ll give a try :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


OK, I’ll start with the free courses and if I see that I still don’t improve I’ll go for the paid ones. Thanks for the recommendations

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Kinesthetic really helped my dyspraxia