Ear inflammation: New Release

This is an attempt to help with tinnitus and general ear and inner ear problems, The idea is to provide a measure of natural antioxidants (catalase targeted to mitochondria and induced ALA), Induced Glutathione and AMPK production and a collection of excess hydrogen through your normal respiration to accumulate it around the whole ear and nerves and also the auditory processing areas of the brain. It works on the idea that some tinnitus may be inflammation related. May help also provide a ready and fertile ground for natural ear healing to take place.
Also added is an induced production of vitamin C to all related areas.

2-3 times or as needed.
(safe for kids as well)


@Captain_Nemo can this help vertigo/dizziness?


Thank you Captain :pray::slightly_smiling_face:
Many people from Your hearing loss Youtube field will be happy.


Second this question. Have had vertigo for a decade plus.


Great field! But i wanted to know will there be a diabetes v2.0? So many of the older fields have been remade except for this one. Diabetes is a very serious problem prevailing in our society. But I’m really grateful for this and all the other fields that have been offered to us. @Captain_Nemo


Thank you Captain for this new Gem,
much gratitude and appreciation :gem::pray::v::four_leaf_clover:

A million thanks for this amazing release, Captain!!!

Feeling blessed! :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Going to a private techno party tonight. This is gonna save me, literally.
Thank you Captain :pray:


I wanted to call it The Ear Wyrm
but I didn’t think anybody would find it in the search results.

(for actual ear problems)


mmm very ear-y :rofl:


These are the best, have fun :boom:


Thanks for this brother! My left ear has had less hearing that the right for a while now. It feels like there’s air trapped, hopefully this can help with daily use


Can this make my hearing ability better?
Can I just replace it with previous one field for ear hearing problems

Been kinda manifesting this one, really needed, tysm ! <3

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this field is golden. been trying to get rid of tinnitus and mild hearing loss with the " hearing loss" audio, got mild results. but by just listening 3 times for 3 days, tinnitus is no more, and also my hearing levels are back to normal. sometimes I would experience a sudden pain for 1-2 seconds, and some itching. but not anymore. much thanks for this wonderful audio


I had an itch in my left ear for the past week. Was cleaning it with cotton buds, also to stop the itching. It felt like there was an infection starting but I didn’t think too much of it. This morning I woke up with ringing in my ear, it felt really swollen inside to the point where you can hear your blood pumping around loudly, don’t know how else to put it. Slightly painful, too.
I looked for a Sapien solution and was happy to find this gem. Immediately, a few seconds into my first listen, I felt and heard a ‘pop’ and experienced painrelief and less ringing. I kid you not! This is working miraculously fast. I’ll keep at it untill the inflammation has completely subsided. Thank you so much @Captain_Nemo for making this!


Would appreciate a release on patreon or able to buy it


Yes, Patreon upload please


I have some tinnitus in my ears due to Covid-19, does this music help?

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It could help of course

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