Easier Life?

There are lot of obstacles in my life and it’s not new, I’m growing a little weary from all that though. I realised that maybe it’s not about Luck, because I’ve used a lot of Luck fields that temporarily gave some ways to navigate these obstacles. I would say that my luck field is not too bad. But it’s just that life circumstances are just too damn harsh.

For example, I’m a doctor working in medicine and this whole covid fiasco is really driving me to breaking point. Manpower is getting bad due to colleagues quitting and fleeing from the space. Not only that, colleagues are falling sick with covid and I need to cover for them - I’m covering the work of 3 people everyday this week. I also work for all 30 days this month. I work up to 120 hours a week and I’m burning out. Beds are locked, so everytime a patient is discharged, there are 64 patients waiting down in Emergency waiting to come up. It’s a constant stream of work. I feel so weary that I haven’t been able to get any time off work. I’m on call every week, doing 30+ straight hours and going back to work the next day. Even with that, I get difficult bosses, difficult patients, difficult family situations, difficult screwups, etc.

Anyone can suggest some kind of field I can use to at least smoothen out this thing? I don’t know, some kind of obstacle remover, some kind of ‘easy life’ thing. You know, maybe I haven’t figured the right field or area to target. What do you think is my problem area here?


Have you tried Navagraha Homam?

Productivity, Attract Positivity + Inner Beauty Reflected Outwards (increases patience) mandala also might help.

Do you have a good NFT that can infuse you with a lot of power?

Smart cord cutter might be also a good thing for you to get the power back.


Does your current life circumstance permit you to move work places and thus living space?


@Mr.Nobody Yeah tried Navagraha Honam. It usually works for 1-2 days then the effects become negligible after. I have Black Tara but haven’t found persistent help against the difficulties yet. Might try the attract positivity field you suggested.

@King_A good point. Will try emotional release and those PONR audios. Yeah might need some of that self care audios.

@Nice2knowU not really I’m pretty much stuck here for now. It’s just more of the life circumstances around which has made things difficult

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As far i see there are two ways how to transform these situations:

  • you change your state where you can handle your situation better
    (which may take a while and needs work)


  • you change your environment

This one requires constant work to make full usage of it.

For sure i would get the smart cord cutter.


The Navigator of Awe: Helps you navigate through difficulties or difficult situations.

The Rite of Passage: Seems to help one transition to the next stage of their life.

Reality Bubble Ocean Room: To relax when you have spare time, helps you take a break, the energies of those around you will be harder to reach you during listening.

Positive Power Waves: Infuses your core with positive energy, to facilitate more positive outcomes.

Edit: Sword of the Righteous: Helps you receive the rewards of your hard work.


Maybe take a quick look at this thread

It’ll be done soon it seems and there are many aspects that could help you too I guess.
The finished version should be on gumroad.

It might also be a bit more pricey just saying if you think about buying a new field that could help you maybe wait for a bit.

Inner piller of power, memories of joy, gratitude for blessings and maybe repel negativity could help too. There is also the essence of burnt sage on patreon. Maybe let it play in your pockets for a few loops here and there when you feel overwhelmed


Since U find it does work for you I suggest for now listening to it every 2 days.

Free fields:
Nullify Negative every day
Amplify Positive every day

Energy Body/Deep Aura Clearing first thing in the A.M. Try listening to this at least once a week.

Inner Strength

Agree with recommendation for either
Smart Cord Cutter (paid) or Etheric Cord Cutter

The Grace of Angels and Saints
The Essence of Faith and Prayer


Bro, all the suggestions are great.

What I think is, you’re giving away too much than what you’re taking in, energy wise. You’re processing negativity too quickly while not giving enough positive energy to replenish yourself. You body, mind and soul need your attention too. What you are doing is Savior’s work. But when it’s about you, only you can save yourself. I’m afraid, you’ll burn yourself out quickly if you keep doing this. And I know, how the environment of a hospital can be.

You need some time for yourself and Soul Restoration. And definitely, a shielding tag.


Hello! I’m a doctor too and I’m in the same situation like you. I use Justice for all field. I also wonder how do you treat the chronic stress - some sport, enough sleep, adaptogens etc.?


Practicing daily gratitude/compassion meditation. It’s one of the most powerful for me. External ways of coping do not generally tend to help me as much, catching on sleep with power naps is another good one. Point of No return and Devic intercession seems to be helping a bit.