Effect of higher vibrations on daily life - Open discussion

I wanted to have your views & experience on the effects of higher vibration in everyday life.

As I feel that I am gradually developing a “higher” or different vibration

Many things are shifting and in all areas.
Sometimes conflicts arise to make room for change

One of the examples I can give you is to feel that our vibration becomes different from a person. This person at the beginning might be inspired by this.
But little by little, it’s as if that person can’t keep up with the change & conflict breaks out.
Or events that happen just in time to resolve something from the past.

To begin with, how do you define “high” vibration?

-Feeling more intense energy?
-Better intuition?
-A different state of mind?
-Less earthly desires? or a bigger ego?
-Lucidity governs our choices more than fear?

These are my own criteria and there are so many others, I’m sure you have more :)

And finally, what effect does this have on your life?

I’m trying to categorize this to make it easier to talk about.

On a relational level

Let’s say you have a higher vibration than a person.

  • -Is it easier or harder to communicate?
  • -Does your presence allow him/her to raise his/her vibration?
  • -Do you see more hidden vices and intentions?
  • -Is it more difficult to connect with others?
  • -…

On a personal level

  • -More in tune with yourself?
  • -More certainty in his actions?
  • -Trauma that comes out?

At the material level

  • -More synchronization?
  • -Manifestation of what one wishes faster?

At the spiritual level

  • -Unlocking new gifts?
  • -More intense meditation
  • -Lucid dreaming, astral travel?
  • -Contact with your guides & other benevolent entities

There are so many other things, I let you express yourself :)
Thank you


“higher” and “lower” vibration is just another form of separation and categorization.

if you feel connected to someone, just enjoy them for who they are.

it gets easy to take people out of one’s life when one determines whether or not another is high vibe enough.

everyone changes at their own pace and it is up to the individual to respect where everyone is at.


Thank you & you are absolutely right!

Taking the other person as they are without putting them in limiting boxes. It’s something I hate myself to feel trapped in a “role”.

But yes, in order to discuss I was compelled to use the term high or low.
Maybe the term “different vibration” would be more appropriate


Nice topic :slightly_smiling_face:

  • More energy
  • Absence of limiting beliefs
  • Amount of integrated shadow / shadow work done
  • Freedom from trauma
  • More awareness and consciousness of what is going on
  • More free will
  • A more positive outlook on everything
  • Immunity to fear, guilt, shame etc.
  • Less control of the ego contruct and it’s masks and roles on one’s life
  • Higher ability to love unconditionally

I wrote about my personal experience of the effects of a higher vibration here: Ascension tag - #190 by JAAJ

All in all, I can say that my experience has been that EVERYTHING in one’s life follows and aligns with one’s personal vibration.

Personal vibration manifests one’s personal reality bubble and experience of reality.

With a higher vibration life becomes easier and lighter and more “game” than “prison”.


Making me want the Ascension tag so bad…


Had my eye on it for 2-3 months now :joy:. VoT and VoC are a good start

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Wow, I just read your posts (not all of them but it will be soon) on the ascension tag topic.
I have many similar things.

To try to synthesize, it would mean that to increase one’s vibrations would be in fact to get closer to one’s soul/higher self/god.
So the proper term would be to increase one’s resonance with oneself.

So all the baggage, programming, trauma etc… that are not our being are brought to disappear/integrate.
That’s why we can find similar effects because we are all human. What varies will remain the personal vibrations (other stuff too but for the sake of the subject, i stay on vibration)
And when it has sufficiently manifested, we will live what we really want, living our true purpose.

Well, a lot of things make sense now!


I will create multiple accounts to upvote @anon25711007 's posts


The effects are really cool actually.

You can have smoother conversations, you know with anyone. Joking with cashiers, chatting at the bakery, etc. People seem to automatically look at you more intensely, maybe related to the aura. People who have bad intentions don’t notice you or don’t engage.

It has huge effects on lifestyle, bad habits seem to gradually fade away. Good habits seem easier to implement without any willpower. Focus is higher and more concentrated towards ones goals if one chooses to.

Confidence is high, self doubt becomes really small and rarely bothers you. If it does, you are able to shake it off pretty quickly.

No or very few instances of negative emotions, which means no anger, jealousy, impatience, all that stuff.

Viewpoint of people changes, you see people as equal, you neither look up or down at them. Empathy is very strong, but can be adjusted if you deem it necessary.

As you are in alignment with yourself, you are having much more fun. Sounds, scents, views all are more diverse and interesting. Flavors are savored. It’s like you can touch upon essences in life.

You are respected and loved, because you find you respect and love everyone. It’s a simple equation and powerful.

Overall everything is viewed as possible, like the infinite being that you are




Thanks for sharing your experience
Yes, I can see exactly what you’re describing, we’ve all had times when everything went smoothly without any friction.
A kind of magnet if I may say so and it is really pleasant!

Interesting, that would mean that once a “plateau” is reached.
This light and loving state would be something almost natural.

Some thoughts come to my mind.
I notice that this state seems to come and go like a cycle, at least in my experience.
Surely there are things to integrate to consolidate this state. Or simply that a state of being by nature is not meant to be permanent.
Hmm…:thinking: it would be best to have an environment conducive to this but also that internally a work is done to welcome all its energy.

I am also aware that we must let go and avoid seeing everything through the mind/intellect but rather operate in union. :pray:

Btw I started to do the star exercise :slight_smile:


Yep. It’s called… Sapiens medicine!!

I have been slacking recently. Don’t tell om please

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Yes yes yes that was my experience using higher vibration field for extended time.

I can confirm this also


Bumping up cause this thread deserves it


Since the time I posted this topic.
I have come to understand that the external is a reflection of our inner world.
This means that we will attract/create/interpret how we feel inside.

The simplest example is if you are in a good mood, you will awaken the good mood in others who already have it so it’s like seeing what you are.
People are your mirrors but you are also a reflection for them.
This means that if you project a good mood on a person who has problems.
They may feel disturbed because you simply brought to light those problems that they didn’t want to see. Which we can call an inner demon.

The reverse also works, if you are disturbed by someone’s energy, it is because it highlights a part of you and generates “negative” emotions.
Maybe it will highlight that you are just hungry and did not have lunch: hunger but that can change into gluttony
Maybe what you have, will create a situation where you compare yourself and give you the impression of lacking material: envy
I’m not going to do them all but you get the idea.

Personally, I see a negative emotion as a warning signal to tell me to change something. An opportunity to improve myself.
If the negative emotion is not expressed. It will be blocked and take another form to be expressed but this time in a more intense way to capture our attention.

Based on this principle that everything comes from within.
A lot of things have to be done at this level to bring these inner demons to light and integrate them.

I am not a religious person but as all would be our reflection that would mean that while reflecting to god.
This would bring all our parts to light and then a work/seeking can begin.
Put differently, by connecting to our higher self, we will know what to do to get closer to ourselves and thus manifest our ideal reality.

A simple thought, to each his interpretation and truth


This was a very interesting read, and if you wouldn’t mind expanding your thought on this when you feel like it that would be wonderful



When I get inspired again on this topic and feel it’s time
I will elaborate :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, what are your views on vibrations in general and how do you experience them?