Ego Dissolution (Active Hypnosis and Field)

Thanks a lot Cap
You’re the man :mechanical_arm:


I have only recently discovered the original Ego Dissolution field. First listen feels good. My favourite fields now are SLR ver 3.0 and Blueprint of Life. I’m going to try the combo:

Ego Diss

To me this seems like a potent transformation set. What’s your opinion?

I’m wondering, if this new hypnosis field could be incorporated in this set. What’s the optimal order?
Thank you.

This is unreal what I have achieved using this twice so far…

Last night I used this and I really could see through the illusions of the ego it was such an incredible few minutes of clarity. Life changing to be honest…

Oh and to think this is something I can return to at will is beautiful :star_struck:


Thank you Cap. I think it would be better for me to try this after the Ego Dissolution video, it helps me alot to stay in the reality.

God bless you and all of us… :pray:t5::sun_with_face: