Ego Dissolution (Active Hypnosis and Field)

Ego Dissolution (Active Hypnosis and Field) - The Dream Muse

Today, we embark on a journey within, to dissolve the layers of the ego, and reconnect with our true, infinite selves. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. Allow yourself to relax, to be fully present in this moment.

Take a few moments to feel the surface beneath you. Notice how it supports your body. Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, grounding you, connecting you to the nurturing energy of the planet. With each breath in, draw up that grounding energy. With each breath out, release any tension or stress.

Bring your awareness to your body. Starting at your feet, slowly scan up through your legs, torso, arms, and head. As you move your awareness, notice any areas of tension or discomfort. Breathe into these areas, sending them love and relaxation. Allow your body to become heavy, sinking deeper into relaxation.

Imagine you are standing before a calm, clear lake. The surface is so still it acts as a perfect mirror. This lake represents the stillness of your true self. When you look into this lake, you see the reflection of your ego ā€“ the constructed identity, the layers of personality, fears, and desires.

As you gaze into the lake, see the reflection of your ego begin to change. It starts to soften, to blur. With each breath, the reflection dissolves a little more, breaking apart like mist under the morning sun. The lake remains calm and clear, but the reflection is fading, melting away.

As the reflection of your ego dissolves, feel the space it leaves behind. This space is filled with your true essence ā€“ pure, infinite, connected. Allow yourself to expand into this space. Feel the boundless, timeless nature of your true self. You are not your thoughts, not your emotions, not your identity. You are the observer, the awareness behind all these layers.

Imagine now that this inner essence, this true self, begins to merge with the energy around you. You are becoming one with the universe, connected to all living things. Feel the sense of unity, the profound peace that comes with this connection. You are part of a greater whole, an infinite web of consciousness.

In this state of pure awareness, repeat these affirmations silently or aloud:

I am not my ego. I am pure consciousness.
I am connected to all that is.
I release the need to identify with my thoughts and emotions.
I embrace my true, infinite self.
I am at peace.

Slowly bring your awareness back to your breath. Notice the rise and fall, the gentle rhythm. Feel the surface beneath you once more, the support of the earth. Wiggle your fingers and toes, gently bringing movement back into your body. When you feel ready, open your eyes, carrying with you the sense of peace and connection.

Thank you for joining this journey within. Remember, the process of dissolving the ego and reconnecting with your true self is ongoing. Each moment is an opportunity to let go, to embrace your infinite nature, and to live from a place of peace and unity. Carry this awareness with you throughout your day, and return to this meditation whenever you need to reconnect with your true self.


Dang, Dream is on fire!


Dream working GODSPEED on these new releases


He must have obtained a hyperbolic time chamber.


Ey Cap yu sleep at some point? Thanks for this, is amazing :purple_heart:


There it is, I remember these days of the joy to create and give.

Welcome back @Charlie.0


These active hypnosis series are :fire:

Thank you, Dream!


Dream I love you I really love you
I just opened my youtube and saw the video and literally exclaimed ā€œoh my God!ā€ and started smiling and grinning like a little child. It was like those moments when you feel divine grace when I saw this field. I was literally telling my friend how much I loved the concept of ego dissolution before it. Honestly seeing this felt very divine to me and filled me with love and excitement.

Ahem I had to express this, sorry if itā€™s unhelpful or tmišŸ˜­


Yes! Really wanted a more time efficient version of this field.


Exactly! When does he sleep? :grinning:


Thank you for everything :heart:


Iā€™ve just done this meditation and I must say I found it to be too ā€œspeedyā€. The cadence of the voice was fast (faster than what I would like it to be, at least) and every phrase was interconnected with not enough time to process what was just said. For example, when we are told to silently repeat the affirmations, they are said too quickly one after the other, and thereā€™s no time to really let them sink in. I must say, maybe I found the meditation hard to follow due to the fact that Iā€™m not a native English speaker. However, I found other meditations like the Mindfulness Bell of Peace allowed me to ā€œmeltā€ soothly and effortlessly into a meditative state.

All in all, I thank Dream for the active hypnosis videos. They are a great compliment and work in perfect harmony with fields, allowing for a deeper and faster change. Much love :heart:


Good feedback. I sense that the more you engage with it, the more you will transcend your resistance. Itā€™s the mind thatā€™s telling you the rushed bit. Thatā€™s the part to let go during the meditation. Have fun with it and let it flow. :slight_smile:

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Thank you Rose. Iā€™ll keep doing it and report if it becomes easier to follow. I didnā€™t think ā€œfeeling the meditation is too quickly doneā€ could be a sign of resistance, but maybe it is :thinking:


Oh also @CoyoteJr to begin with you could maybe slow down the play speed? I donā€™t think that will affect the energy.

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Wouldnā€™t it? I thought that the field was imbued into the sound, and any changes to the sound messed with the field.

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It would be just until you realized you werenā€™t missing anything. Itā€™s just a quick process to trick your ego into letting that bit go.

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Ohh I see, Iā€™ll play it once in 0.75 speed while reading the text, and then another time at normal speed while relaxing. Thanks for the tip!


i also found it overly fast


Yeh its a bit fast.

I will try to keep the flow better for others.