Ego Dissolution Audio

Is this field somewhat dependant on how much “base-ego” you have when listening to it - like , if you have a very strong ego in terms of the definition of what ego is, i.e unable to see things objectively, feeling personally attacked if someone objectively point out a flaw in you that is true etc.

Meditation in itself removes ego by quite a bit - so is this field more important to those who has a bigger ego in general? Or am i misunderstanding this completely

The fun part in this is, that someone with a large ego will not admit that he has a large ego - so he won’t think that this field is necessary for him :)

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I would also add: in terms of results, what would the experienced consider to help diss the ego more: 15’ of this or 15’ of meditation?

Just wanted to say just how much I adore this field. Everytime I listen to it it literally feels like chains are being taken off my body and my head turns from heavy to light and I feel free. This is an amazing field and it allows me to be me and helped a lot with destroying depression.


Wow this field is quite powerful I had known about it last year when I discovered sapiens channel and I think I played it one time and felt weird so I decided to skip it but now I am realizing this has been the missing link to completing the changes I have been going through lately. I played this twice last night with subconscious dissolver also another field I skipped for some reason and oh boy I feel like I’ve been hooked up to consciousness or something. I sometimes have trouble articulating what I’m trying to say lol but now everything feels clear to me and the biggest thing I noticed is how strongly fields are hitting me. I swear I played plasma charged mitochondria like once and my body was radiating with extreme energy and ecstasy which was odd cause I tend to loop it for awhile and never felt this powerful lol. I also noticed the mind setting album working on such a deeper level and now my mind feels so peaceful as well easily in the present moment and meditation has never been so easy for me now. I am grateful to have been guided to this I have many paid fields but I feel returning to the basics while help me build my foundation to complement what I have thank you so much dream :brown_heart:


:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

if only ego was this powerfull for me


How many hours is this effective?

That really depends on what you’re meaning by “effective.”

I don’t experience this as a particularly long-lasting field, maybe 3-4 hours max. for me.


I’ve been using SapienMed fields + SUBLIMINALS for over a year now and I’ve always known this field but kinda ignored it and never tried. Recently I had a terrible streak of bad luck with money and fields and subliminals regarding money never worked for me but recently I have decided to try this one and oh my god the vibe has shifted and bad luck has beeb broken. I feel like now subliminals work for me after trying this one.


First time listening to this title. I looped it for 8 times straight and my mind feels calmer and quieter.

As this moment our noisy neighbours are still playing their loud sound system and it’s 12 midnight right now. Though they dialed down the volume, but you know at this time of the hour at 12 midnight where everything is quiet, it is still loud.

These neighbors always do this “every” weekends even at times on weekdays, so typically they trigger this annoyance in me to the point I contemplated many times to use magick ritual, To Silence Noisy Neighbors. No black magick cursing, which is not necessary.

That’s why I looped Ego Dissolution back-to-back for 8 loops, good thing it works to calm me down and my mind feels quieter. :pray:

To add, it fellt like I meditated deeply that my monkey-mind was calmed down. But I only did listen passively while reading all I can read on this community/forum.


For approximately 2-3 weeks I have been listening to this field thrice every night and I’ve been feeling so spacey, angry and confused, lol. The last few weeks were such a trip and I feel like some days I went back to early childhood days wherein I hadn’t yet developed the sense of “self”. Had many stressful dreams as well and some sort of sleep paralysis last night. It is so interesting to read through this thread and see how this field quietens some minds, whereas I’m having the opposite effect short term. Incredible stuff. I’ve never realised its effect until I started utilising it daily thrice…


According to this source increased 5HT2A activity is likely detrimental and has no known health benefits in humans.

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Been listening to this for a week, this has been helping me greatly towards reprogramming my subconscious mind. Once we let our ego down, we are open to the greatest change. Very important field if you want to reprogram easily.


My eyes went :eye::eye: when I heard Andrew Huberman say “Ego Dissolution”.

Link to full video with timestamp: Huberman Lab: Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris: The Science of Psychedelics for Mental Health

Time to revisit this field.:dizzy:


Most important field ever.
I am going back to playing it twice a day.

Arrogance (false ego) is what keeps people in their loops (including poverty):



With EFT focused on the area you want to improve = :boom:


Have you tried the The Smart Tap Tapper field?

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Not yet

I see it’s on patreon, I’ll check it out :+1:

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Picture the ego, the conscious mind, as akin to clay upon the wheel of a potter. Not in perfect similitude, of course, but as an illustration to help us understand its nature. Like the wheel, it perpetually spins, always in motion, ceaselessly reshaping.

Yet, what guides the hand that shapes this malleable clay can vary. It could be the sway of invisible influences - manipulations of the mind, veiled suggestions, or even unseen entities. The personification of one’s being is like the window of an instant messenger chat.

In such a conversation, you witness text flowing from a singular username, attributing every word to that one name. But, consider this: might there be five different hands at the helm, each typing and pressing enter? All the words, seemingly disparate, flow under the one username. They might evoke a sense of inconsistency, a perceived split personality, yet they all trace back to one source.

Similarly, the personality is not a simple username. It thinks, calculates, recalls a rich history, and keeps memories. It spins, always in motion. Mind control, particularly of the psychic variety, is a subtle art. It is not a negotiation between minds. Instead, the thoughts of the controller become your thoughts. Your inner voice becomes their medium, speaking from the first-person perspective. This is how your ego is shaped, and controlled.

This audio freezes that clay and allows you in the present to overwrite old programming. Perfect when trying to improve the love for yourself.


These are not the same in my opinion though.

Conscious Mind = the part of you that is currently in awareness (perception/attention). This is a real qualia part.

Ego = a special temporary construct and part of your Psyche. It has special functions (e.g. individuality identification and role playing) and is heavily tied to the physical reptile brain (thus it is always heavily triggered to fight for survival and dominance). It can be trained to distance itself from the reptile brain and thus be more focussed on higher goals than basic survival and dominance.

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It has been two weeks listening to this and the voice that has been disrupting me has quite down immensely. Frankly speaking, I used to listen to this on and off because of how long the audio is and how it made me irritated at certain times, and I felt my ego was convincing me to not listen to this to which I suspect was the reason why I was not persistent everyday but this time I was consistent.

My mind is quiet, this audio feels like 3 minute listening instead of 15, meditation with this is life changing. I noticed detrimental patterns, I would leave things that I no longer wished to involve myself in such as a debate. Anything that involves using your ego to satisfy yourself isn’t worth it.

One of the most important fields to listen to. I am so addicted to listening to this I may have exceeded 3 listening. I always play this before my stack and subliminals.