Elemental Alchemical Ability

Beautiful and funny testimonial.
I’m waiting for my salary to get this. Those who’ve been eyeing on the Major BoP could definitely consider this instead :joy:
Though I know MBoP may have more extra goodies, but this definitely has something special about it as well.



I guess they could, I wouldn’t know how to choose.
I love (minor) blueprint of power.
Just get whichever you feel more drawn to I think.

All this power and energy though… I have no doubt it has a lot of benefits regardless, but I feel like it should be put to good use, otherwise it’s like wasted potential.


Ah I mean Major Blue Print of Power. The Minor one I’ll eventually get it when needed.
But thanks for your suggestion though :hugs:


There is something overwhelmedly beautiful about this field, I still got emotional playing it.

A vision of a place beautiful and perfectly harmonious, one of joy and hope/faith and the perfect background for harmonious (negentropic??) growth.

I am by means no authority on the topic, bit this field is up there with blueprint of life. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Like it touches my soul, it’s like it is bringing me back to a time and place (I should say “state” really) of before imbalances were formed.
And that’s a pretty big deal :sweat_smile:

I’m just… Overwhelmed with beauty somehow


I wanted to give it some times, but this field is barely getting any attention.

This is honestly super hard to describe everything that is happening with it, but… it made me experience my first real experience of Bliss on the first night :zipper_mouth_face:

I started by feeling so much unconditional love (still fairly new to me), then an immense peace & well-being took over (brand new).
I was just unable to do anything else than just lying down and simply being.

Right now, my mind is still resisting it, but I have the clear experience that this is beyond cheat codes.
Not getting to such a peak state anymore, but things are integrating, upgrading smoothly and beautifully…

“But this is too easy…”
Yep, just Captain captaining :laughing:


Hi, I bought this field, I’m not so good at feeling energy but I feel deeply balanced and nourished with it, and my intuition says this is an extra beautiful field, like blueprint of life beautiful :slight_smile: , would love :heart: to read reviews on this field from some of the Great Reviewers @Maoshan_Wanderer , @anon46520955 @anon22855873 , @_OM to mention a few :slight_smile:


:) i dont have this one

But i remember @MonkeyOwl saying something similar, scroll up and read her review it was beautiful!


I’m going to suggest that one of “the great reviewers” just posted their review. (Looking at you, Mac. :wink: )



I dont have this yet. But its calling my name now lol

I came to look for the name i wasnt sure it was the one i wanted to recommend and when i saw the picture like i really “saw” it. :open_mouth:

And tho i already know all about the 5 elements and how it works, read that description again and now i cant stop associating this with a Placenta!

The harmony is undeniable!

Placenta is a very important temporary organ, except in the western world.

But in a lot of cultures is said to be jacket for the babys guardian angel, in some other places is believe is where the soul comes in and out, or where the babys soul is being born. Others believe its actually a relative living being.

Many cultures have special rituals to bury it, some believe how you threat the Placenta would determine the fate of Mother and Child, others think it has to be buried properly in order to protect it from evil until the next incarnation, saying all the placentas by being buried would find their way to their source when treated with respect…

Placenta literally becomes the protection home while life is being created, growing, being nurtured etc, and has a big energetic symbolism.

You can see the placenta in the form of a torus, as if it was rebuilding from scratch “us” from within but this time not within the mother to be directly nurtured but by the whole vast universe!!

And then the 5 elements focus on bringing to balance and harmonize, regenerate every single system in the body… pretty much like what happens inside the Placenta eh? :smirk:

This is why @MonkeyOwl felt it as if it was connected to the Blue Print of Life, i mean like it feels like BoL in a way… i guess yes.

Now is this audio connecting all those previous “lives in a placenta” weve been in through BoL to harmonize our beginnings out and up there to our beginnings in material form. Through this one current now on Earth.

Of course… its my perception :sunglasses::crazy_face:

Def getting this audio soon.

Impressed before even trying it.


I don’t have this yet. From whatever conceptual understanding I have of the elements, here is a guess about what this will do. Think of internal and external events and states in your life as always bringing in or at least offering one of the elements. This means you are existing within a process that is changing you into … something.

If that process were to slow down or even halt by our lack of awareness or willingness, introducing the needed element could restart the flow of progress. This field may work as an accelerant of sorts.


The moment I saw this released, I bought it like as it’s a NFT release. That much I am usually attracted to five elements and also gratitude that I have towards them. I do have daily prayers to the five elements and that’s how we are connected from long time. Much gratitude to universe and captain.

I treat this like an advanced healing field, correcting all the imbalances in the body. I would call this as Dosha correcting smart field (Ayurveda).

In the long run, this can do wonders that only one can experience. I opine Captain gave only minute of the minute description for this field like for BoL :stuck_out_tongue:. …leaving to everyone discovery.

Talking about field , there is an immediate torus effect at the heart centre and could sense it’s touching many different places inside body , maybe it’s refreshing effect…some places heated …but overall I feel balanced and energized at the same time.

What’s interesting about this is, it works like a attunement… Atleast in my experience I could activate that in a day time and it’s working immediately. I would love to see more attunement fields like this captain.

Thanks @Captain_Nemo , u making our lives easier and effortless …to be in the flow of life to live the flower of Life

…still experimenting more on this , will update if anything interesting


Yessss as said in the description

“something you can recall, with your memory and begin this deeper process anew without even playing the song physically”



Yes ofcourse, that feature works like a charm and a great ability for one to have it … That’s where everyone should try and aim to reach, that can follow us through incarnations after and many more :grinning::pray::muscle:

Captain envision a lot for us , it’s just we need to explore and open ourselves more I beleive :blush:


This :grinning:


I would take this a step further and say pretty much everything in the 3D world represents some sort of imbalance.
It’s the materialization of “something” out of nothing, when the nothing is perfectly balanced. Whatever is materialised is a unique aspect of the nothing/everything.

(Maybe it is possible that the materialized “thing” is perfectly balanced in terms of elemts, but it would be extremely rare.)

Then this field goes balances elements on a deep, deep level.
I think thats why both @anon32464289 and I experienced extended states of joy and peace with this one, which are rather high on the scale of consciousness.
Sort of an experience much closer to whole-ness compared to day to day life.

Just my theory :sweat_smile:


You may be experiencing something beyond my knowledge of alchemy, which wouldn’t be hard to do. I’m only pulling a little understanding from my reading of the Emerald Tablet. And I came nowhere close to digesting all of that.


If/when you are getting this field, I’ll be curious to read about your experience :)

I expected a field more like the five elements balanced field, but it feel very different.

It’s good to see you around again


:wave:ello everyone,
Any ideas what it means when listening to this field induces nausea and a headache?
Maybe the nausea is like a sign stuff is recalibrating within or “purging” for all that no longer works?
This field also makes me very overwhelmed, which is interesting because the only other audio that that does that to me is Mythic

So I don’t know if that means: *continue to go easy and slow on this field
Avoid it for now.

I feel like the latter is the cop out option, but then again, I don’t like feeling sick lol.


I believe with anything new , so you can know whats happening.

If you know what its happening , go hard and faster!"! because you have the control!

But ye , you got it K!


You might try the older five elements to see if it’s related to the elements or the torus/aura imbalances which may cause your energyoverload.