Elemental Alchemical Ability

how much did you listen to it?
This field is strong, it also made me feel overwhelmed.
I’m also having some physical detox sicne i started listening to it - exactly in the area where i usually have sickness i.e. sinuses & around there. (or i am getting again which i hope is not the case lol)

I would say go very slow with this one.
I dont think there is need to permanently put it on the shelf, but you can give it a week’s break and then listen just once with looping schuman resonance / grounding afterwards for 1-2h.

also i have been drinking a LOT of water. i mean 4-5l a day


Ahhhh yayy got it and the smart cutter. :heart_eyes::star_struck:

Perfect full in and out and super out detox and freedom for the next 3 days that ill be off from work!!

Im so excited!!!

Has any one played these 2 in the same stack?

I dont know why i felt for the first time wanting to play a new field along another one and new too!! Because i want them together


We shall see :hugs:


I haven’t bought this field yet but it’s now at the top of my list.

I’m normally not very attracted to “elemental magic” but this thread convinced me of how beneficial this field can be.

What made me move it to the top of my list, though, is how it would pair with The Magician Tarot.

The Magician using elements, I see the elemental alchemy and the Magician as a killer combo. The elemental alchemy would be balancing me to perfection and the Magician would build insanely on that balance :star_struck:


Yes I had the same thought


I had the same thought… But I don’t have this field yet. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it soon. :crossed_fingers:


I have been eager to hear a review for this one :slightly_smiling_face:


Ill get back to this later x


I initially got this for my oldest sister (the one with bad tinnitus that can hardly listen to fields because it gets worse and it hurts)

The new pain control audio has helped her a lot but the healing progress was very slow. So i thought this one would be great since she can just think of it without actually having to listen to it much thus not affecting her ears as much and then healing.

She is loving it. She says that the tinnitus is there but the pain is gone. So she doesnt have to play the one for pain anymore. And she feels that the intensity is lowering.

Her kidneys were inflamed and painful but nothing diagnosed really bad just inflamed. Thats where she is noticing progress, no pain, her pee pee is clear, its getting back to normal times in the day.

She is sleeping better

Not feeling as thirsty as before

Her skin and overall face looks healthier specially her eyes and her hair is not falling off as much

And she feels very energetic in fact shes signed up for some different exercise routines and cycling along the mountains where she moves recently, she said that before she could not get too far high and would be exhausted for the rest of the day and the air bothering her ears.

She says from 1 to 10 she feels like a 5 progress which is a lot becasue its been just a week i think since she started with it. :ok_hand:

As for me

I dont notice much in terms of health because i am super healthy :laughing: but i love the vibration feeling i get while listening to it, it actually kinda reminds me of bushmen medicine too :thinking:


I do notice something very very cool i feel like it distributes the aims I gather for the day and how they are spent.

Food, energy through meditation or yoga or star exercise, belly breathing, the sun, the energizing fields, the liquids i drink.
And then it manages how things are wasted or use those resources.

In other words

We have breakfast = we feel full
We feel full = we either get energized or sleepy
We perform morning activities
Then we are tired and hungry again
We are thirsty then we drink water
Then we are not thirsty at all
But then we do more stuff and then we are thirsty again
Then we are hungry again
We eat we are full
We exercise we feel invigorated
But then we feel tired

Basically it always feels for the most part an all in and out list of daily feelings.

Yes some energy works and some fields help us sustain and stretch the well being feeling but at some point it goes down to almost zero or 100.

Since this field i feel everything being used in a balanced manner, not too much of any feeling good or bad. Not too hungry, not too tired, not too energized, not too hype. And it last the whole day. It gives me awareness of when i need to “put gas” before running out of it. Which is what we normally do even if we do energy things it fades away at some point in the day or it depends how much extra we use.

I even feel it manages the amount of energy used from the fields how and when and to where and i think that alone is amazing.

And last i do strongly feel every time i meditate listening to it that it immediately connects me to rebuild from my Blue Print as if it was the one holding and sustaining the job done by this field in my body while it creates me again in a more harmonious manner.

And i always see the Placenta i saw the first time just by looking at the pic haha :woman_shrugging:t2:

I was looking for a gif or pic repesenting what i see and saw this and got chills because its what i feel with this field connecting to the blue print:

The Womb of the Cosmos :heart:


There is Such a Benefit in being late to the Party! This Field has been calling my name, Loudly, over the last 24 hours as I read, and reread all of your comments! I have been listening to Blueprint of Life for almost a week, and I feel with all my being that Elemental Alchemical Ability should be added next. Reading all of your comments on these Threads is absolutely Exilerating!!! I am So Grateful for all of you posting your Testimonials! Thank You Dear Forum Guides with all of my heart for guiding us to Torsion, Blueprint of Life, Ojas, Cosmo-Volt, DNA Repair System, and the Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach!!!

Imagine the journey of coming back to this Forum after being away for so long, and finding all of these Treasures!!! Thank You Captain Dream and Dream Crew!!!


Can captain give more explanation to this field pleaze
I have read he has to be vague on teespring for their own reasons but I seen captain sir post on forum more thoroughly detail on some teespring fields
May that be possible for this one sire @Captain_Nemo


Some benefits of having 5 elements balanced:


Bought this Treasure from my Wishlist with our CYBER2021 Black Friday Discount!
Thank You Captain, SammyG, and Forum Guides!!!


Wow - Thanks my friend…. I didn’t know this was something that I could search / known about. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


What book is this from?

1 Like

franz bardon IIH chapter 4 accumulation of elements in whole body


Captain, what a piece of melodious music and so deep it touches my being every time :pray: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :clap: :clap:
Beautiful…the water, piano, violin amazingly layered… could feel the fire in belly and movement of air inside moving around., that could be torus working inside me


I’m sure many people are missing out the benefits or capabilities of this . I wanted to review this one for a while. Imo it’s one of top 3 healing fields dream has ever made in his lifetime or possibly even surpasses ambrosia and many other most discussed fields. But that’s my thought and I’ll explain why even tho the description is vauge.

Balancing the Five Elements
When we look around us,we notice the five elements in nature which surround us-Earth ,water, fire, air and space. The same five elements exist in our body. The percentage of each element differ in every individual. This different proportions cause disturbance in our body. Yoga practice help us to balance these elements in our body. The asanas and pranayam work on these elements in our body,whether we know it or not. All the elements are related to each other,based on their nature and properties. Some elements love each other and are supportive and nurturing of each other. For example, Earth and water are compatible and same with earth and fire. Some elements are not compatible, like fire and water. Too much fire in the body will create inflammation ,while too much water can dampen fire and cause indigestion. So the balance of five elements is the balance of your inner universe.

Human body and Five elements:
Human body structure is governed by different elements.

Solid structure such as bones, flesh, skin,tissue and hair represents earth form.
Water forms saliva,urine, semen, blood and sweat.
Fire forms hunger,thirst and sleep.
Air takes care of breathing like expansion, contraction and suppression.
Space takes care of physical attraction and fear.
When these elements are out of balance in our body, it result in disease and suffering. Practicing yoga asanas, pranayama and kriyas purify these elements and restore balance and good health.

Power of Prana (Air element)
Our breath, air element, also known as prana is our life force.That is why, air element is most powerful to clean toxins from our body.When practicing yoga we focus on breath.The reason being, the circulation of breath in our whole body purify us. Teaching the proper use of breath during asanas and including pranayama practice into our daily routine increase both our lightness and our inner power.

The natural order of the elements in our body is as follows:
The base (below the navel) -Earth and water Middle (torso) -Fire Upper body(chest & throat) -Air and space

When prana flows in our body,we activate certain parts with consciousness and energy coaxing the elements into balance. Chakras are also connected with these five elements maintaining balance and harmony in our body.

How these five elements govern our moods and characteristics:
EARTH: grounding ,calming, keeps ego in check, the energy of bones, muscles, tissues,and hot illnesses such as infections.

WATER: provides the ability to adapt, flow, act selflessly and avoid unhealthy attachments, rules your blood, other bodily fluids and cold illnesses such as joint pain.

FIRE: Brings confidence and courage, the energy of metabolism, drive and creativity, an excess can present as anger or hatred.

AIR\WIND: A channel for clear communication and self expression,influences your ability to act from a place of compassion and love, jealousy occurs when out of balance.

ETHER\SPACE: A container for all the other elements,the source of intuition and wisdom from the universe, associated with expansion.

The best part? You can literally get all the benefits of these by just listening to the yt version now imagine the potential of this one. This version affects you in every aspect possible like even on auric and energy body level and penetrates through every cells of your body which can lead to many unknown benefits. By balancing five elements you can attain many things like enhenced psychic abilities, health, mood, ascension etc.

On the other hand this might have some psychic aspect added to it since it lets you mentally tap in. Which is something 99.99 percent people can’t even think of doing. I could be wrong in this part but who knows it might help to to learn how to tap into other spesific energies or help to to learn how to (just my guess) but doesn’t matter either way cuz the benefits you receive is more than enough. So if any of you have missed any nft healing fields like ambrosia or exalted state then it’s your best bet. But I won’t be surprised if this one has better effects than those. Also I’m not exaggerating or anything. Those who knows the value of five elements knows what I’m saying. Try out yourself if you’re doubtful. But I just felt like I should explain in detail since many people are missing out to this powerful fields and it’s countless benefits. In fact it can pay off huge in long term. Best on my explanation of the elements you can imagine the possibilities. It can also directly or indirectly assist in healing most of the problem you may have. (spiritual, emotional, mental or physical) and I’m glad it’s not nft lol


Great review, will definitely try


Bumping :slight_smile:

My last experiences with it:

  • tremendous peace every time I put it on play.
  • a feeling that this is a very very underrated field for physical & mental health and energy management.

Nice Borisju you brought this up.

How is everyone working on this without audio, the attunement part?
I have written this on a board on a wall and just think of it to work on me whenever I cross… :clipboard: