Empathic Abilities Project

This is a project idea that was sitting in the background of my mind before I had joined the forum back in January. Originally, I was going to toy around with elements of it on my own using the fields on Gum Road, but (now that I’ve seen more of the NFT process), I think it might be interesting to see in NFT form. I don’t know if there’s enough interest for it, so I’ll post this to get a gauge of things

Basically, I had re-gained an interest in exploring empathy when I had encountered clips from this videogame when it was released:

It caught my attention because I had been oversensitive for my entire life and I was able to quickly develop clairsentience when I started doing meditation/yoga seriously as a teenager.
As most people tend to recognize, it can be a blessing and a curse. There are quite a few elements related to empathy and psychic abilities that I’ve experienced but hadn’t seen in popular media before, so I think they did a good job with how they put things together.

Anyways, since my focus was on the goals of meditation, I had taken the course of working myself nearly to death over a number of years as a way of numbing-out to things. But, with the different shielding and energy enhancement fields from here, things have become a lot more manageable. And with this, I feel stable enough that I’m interested in exploring and developing more of the psychic and energetic sensitivities.

There is a lot that can be done already with the emotional mastering protocol and the increased energy sensitivity audios. But I was thinking about something a bit more holistic and more concentrated.

Possibly something that would develop the central neural/limbic components and the peripheral/visceral neural components alongside the energetics. This, and specific enhancements like synesthesia.

My thinking is that it could be turned into a good field for developing a range of psychic abilities. —In general, I’ve been opposed to those since a lot of people can fall into abusing psychic powers. But, with empathy as a core element of the process, I feel like it would minimize that.

With genuine empathy, people would have a hard time just loving their friends and hating their enemies, since they will be open to the real-life and emotional truths about friends and rivals alike—if they wind up abusing their abilities, they’ll ultimately (usually immediately) cause themselves pain.

I could jump into a number of details about the energy body and how they might be developed to enhance empathy. But this is more to gauge public interest since it started more as a personal project idea.


-It’s looking like this would be a servitor that helps with the development of empathic abilities. Some of that could involve improving overall sensitivity, but it looks like there’s a strong interest in fine-tuning different abilities/ways-of-sensing (so this would likely be the focus).


I’m interested.


I’m interested, I think it has a great potential.


Awesome! :+1:

I’ll have to have a general disclaimer, though. I haven’t been a part of any projects from start to finish at this time. I’ve been good for developing some idea schemes, but I don’t know the full process for how NFTs are made.


easy: creating a private group and having an agreement about no. of copies per person (or the conditions for x copies, etc), brainstorming ideas, researching ideas, putting it into one form, where it has the structure, as according to: Sapien NFT Submission and then submitting and then just waiting till the time comes for the creation and then the mint number has to be updated and confirmed, that’s all.




Same with me, I am interested :pray:




As far as empathy goes, is your target group ppl who already have empathy, and not trying to create more empathy with this project? I for one don’t need any more empathy boosts, lol, so I am hoping that if you are looking for empaths that want to make their empathy more practical, you might make that key in your opening statement. I really like the ideas, but I want to make sure that you aren’t seeking to create empaths for those who don’t have that sensitivity already (and yes it can be done). As one who accidentally boosted empathy to an extremely uncomfortable state while trying an experiment with clairvoyance, if this boosts empathy I am reticent lol.

If your project is to develop more with the already present empathic nature, I am in. If it’s to just enhance or create psychic abilities, you might want to rename the project.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood. Thanks, @Noesis!


I always tell people “every strength overextended becomes a weakness”.

It is especially so in the case of empaths.

There should definitely be a subfield to protect us from being overwhelmed by external negative energies.


That’s a good point. I hadn’t made any deliberate specifications yet, but that my original idea was to have a project that could work a bit like a training program for enhancing empathic abilities.

I know that it can definitely be uncomfortable when empathy is strongly developed lol. I’m a bit mixed since I have both been seriously overwhelmed in the past but also have an interest in being able to more finely tune what I can experience and recognize.

I was thinking partially of a two-fold program. One that would support and develop the structures that make empathy possible (indeed boosting empathy), with the ability to grow-into finer forms of perception (intuitive understanding,clairaudience, etc.). And probably to include a special blocking/numbing field as a safety for anything that becomes too pronounced.

But I hadn’t set anything in stone. My own views are fairly materialistic with how I understand the energy body and its features. Any different angles on enhancing empathic abilities (either overall strength or level of detail that is accessible) would be interesting.


So any consideration of the form the field might take - mandala, servitor, audio? With mandala the description becomes straightforward. With servitor more is required for ways to interact. An audio is always a great idea for attunement and meditation.

Personally, if this is just for empaths you might want to make it private.


I didn’t know what kind of interest there would be (whether there would be existing empaths or people who wanted to develop the ability from nothing). I was planning to work with whoever showed up lol.

I didn’t have a fixed plan for formatting.

I was originally thinking an audio or a mandala (depending on what people would want to work with). And it would provide smart-field like enhancement to a range of things related to empathy.

But now it seems like a servitor might make more sense, as everyone would likely have different things they want to focus on and some things they might want to avoid entirely.


Good thoughts!


Also you have 7 interested including yourself. There are quite a few empaths around the forum, so more should be stopping by.


I guess we’ll see if we get enough people to make it work :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I would stop it at 15 as too many (especially empaths, lol) might make it unwieldy. A private group would allow open discussion of things that might not be as comfortable to discuss in a public thread. Plus there might be more that empaths can offer that would supplement the field. I am sure that while empathic experiences have similarities, there might be considerations that discussion would unearth.


That would definitely be interesting :+1:

If we make it to the 10-mark, I’ll make a group.


okay @SilverZuzu I know you have seen this. Got stuff to add?


I dont need to be more empathic.