End of the world?

Fair enough point. That and his weird fake laughter. I still think the ideas could be evaluated on their own.


The world doesnt really end, its more interesting to really know in which age of the time we live in, kali yuga, the dark age, iron age or what ever name suits you the best :innocent:

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I have heard this a lot, interesting threads on here about it. Is there some kind of timeline kinda information I can find?

Depends on what timeline you are in of course, there are information that suits everyones timeline, so the information I would provide for you might not be the one resonating with your timeline

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Let have some fun and dive in to it a little bit.

There are currently two timeline running and we can call the 1 and 0 to make it easy. The majority of the population is currently on the 0 timeline and only a small fraction is in the 1 timeline. There is no need for me to tell anyone which timeline they are in. But its kind of obvious that everyone in here isnt on the same line.

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Kind of sad the way Samurai disappeared. Nice video @JAAJ

Sorry didn’t mean to tag anybody so I deleted the post. I have a few theories on what is about to become. I’m not trying to scare anybody in any way or misinform people either. These are simply just theories I have came up with based off of dreams and some research that I am currently still doing. So first things first I believe the antichrist or whatever you want to call it will rise this year. I believe I know who it is I believe it is trump since he was powerful just about everybody loves him and he is going to win president again. Here then gone then back just like how were warned but the only thing I can’t wrap my finger around is that I don’t think mabus ties with him but I do believe a really old prediction could possibly get slightly changed with the names as over time the future does change am I right? If I’m wrong about trump then I believe it would be ray mabus or somebody in his family. I also believe that there is soon to be a rapture and people are going to disappear and the evil side is going to make it look like it was aliens abducting us. Especially now that the tell lies vision (television)/news their now saying how the government is saying how they’ve been investigating UFOs and extraterrestrial life and admitted they found evidence when they have taken people out for trying to expose things like this!! They have been among us for so long now they walk the earth they are who controls this earth I believe but there’s more to it Im still trying to figure out. I have had interactions with people nobody believes me when I say this story since everything was deleted and I never deleted them. I was contacted randomly one day when I first got into this spiritual stuff. They had sent me a book to read that was about this world. They claimed to be watching me and said that I was a seeker and needed to break free from the illusion of this world. This book went as deep as the camera on a TV and how were all watched. It even said how there’s a greater power we can’t see that walk among us and that the governments actually use and that’s how they have us so controlled. I think I already said too much on that so I’m going to stop with this part lol. I believe there will be a war very soon a war of good and evil. A war for this earth, a war for our freedom, a war for the truth. I’ve had these dreams since I was a kid of this fire looking sky and i would be outside and everybody in my city would be outside staring at the sky even and I would hear this like trumpet sound a few times. Then something would appear in the sky and I would have this fear this sadness while saying this is it this is it and wake up. I usually see somebody in the dream that I know but could never see but I knew that I knew them but didn’t know who they were until a few months ago. It was my partner and I had said in the dream do you believe me now and they said yes. Now I’ve been trying to prepare them for what I believe is to come. They don’t believe me well they do but they don’t believe it’s coming this soon and nobody does but very few. I’ve had another dream where a spirit had came to me. It sounded like lightning/thunder then I saw this TV screen like static moving around if that makes sense. He had told me there was a battle that he needed my help in. I believe he’s talking about the war of good and evil. The war of the end times. Now so many areas all over the place are going up in flames. This world is supposed to end by fire this time keep that in mind. Elon musk has even said ww3 is pretty much coming and that we can move to Mars or something like that and that he’s scared ww3 will start and end the world before we attempt to leave earth. I honestly believe something is going to happen and were all going to be stuck here in chaos. So many people are becoming more and more evil. This little girl had hurt her brother and while she was being taken away her mom had asked her why she did it and she had said “I dont know some demonic stuff”. A 14 year old boy had hurt a girl in the woods and they found pictures he would draw if these creatures that I believe are demons. They said he was crazy but I believe it was something else. People are turning against each other more and more, families breaking apart, religions hating each other, churches will separate, people becoming more angry and more rageful. We got celebrities now not hiding anything anymore wearing Satan masks, and Satan one piece suits, and Satan horn hats even and even talking about it in music now without a care in the world and even admitting they sold their souls (yes I believe you can sell your soul buts a different thing than what people think). It used to just be in like the heavy metal music and stuff but now it’s all genres. I know some things about this industry some people don’t know or don’t understand or simply just don’t want to believe like the parties for example they prick your finger for some blood to enter and most are consisted of wearing no clothes. Did you see last year’s new years eve ball drop I think it was in Miami? Well there were holograms and this ball that looked like it resembled earth appeared in the sky then this hand grabs the ball and a big person appears with the word AI on the forehead. You got after school Satan club now that was actually a law to the point these kids don’t have to tell their parents even. You got Satan festivals. It’s just satan everything wherever I look whatever I touch whatever I see and hear it’s all there if that makes sense. I might have some more to add eventually but this is just some things I’ve came up with. Sorry if im a bit over the place. I’m not trying to convince anybody this world is ending or anything just simply putting my theories and research down with it. I will continue to keep researching more and more for the truth. I have this hunger this urge to just learn

Of course It’s the end… The time loop has been broken… This time line has come to an end due to lack of energy. ALPHA2024-2025-2026OMEGA. That is why they advanced the cosmic harvest from 2042 to 2025. And I am not talking about the elite, I am talking about those who are at the top of the cosmic pyramid. So guys, try to look a little into the depth of your being, since the material does not have much time left, it is only necessary to have enough to live a balanced life until the end that is near :slightly_smiling_face: What the universal demigods behind the new religion wants (new age) is that beings manifest another material illusion, another timeline (5d-timeline 42). That is its only purpose behind it, to take energy sources (beings) because this reality is imploding. :slightly_smiling_face:

And the division and chaos between people is called terminal madness. It is caused by the separation of energies that is taking place. The primordial energy is being separated from the material energy. The straw and the wheat. Also the eternal consciences and the artificial consciences. Jeshua the avatar said “I did not come to bring peace to the world, I came to bring sword, division, etc”. It refers to the correction energy that helped to anchor, this energy causes this division between spirit and matter, the liberation of beings trapped in these temporary loops. This energy is coming out of every being that has the original template.

And global warming isn’t caused by our fault guys, it’s caused by real light increasing speed and friction at the core of the sun, the sun is hotter. This has sped up time and is helping this dismantling of this fallen matrix. Earth core too.



So what happens Next?
“After” Omega?

Do we all go to a Higher World/Dimension?

Or only some of us - and if only some of us, what is the criteria?

How about those who don’t go “Higher”?
I’m asking out of concern lol, I have no idea where I will go… :scream::sweat_smile:

Think about it like a “Rising Sea”. Water will come and wash away all unclarity.


  1. Don’t stand on the “beach” wondering what is going on - water is coming that’s what.
    1.5. Prefer standing on a “high ground” - higher vibration.
  2. Be close to means of water transportation - a boat or ferry or other sort of an ark.
  3. Caveat - It doesn’t have to be physically water.
  4. But worrying about such stuff is equivalent to point 1., so just follow general advice from Alkul and JAAJ - refer to point 1.5.
  5. AI or whatever or Rising Water doesn’t have anything to do with some “End”, it’s end of the Fall. Now there will be Rise. And maybe it’s rise for all things good and beneficial? Avalon is Risen to Fall No More - I’m a true believer.

Thanks, that’s a Good and Practical Advice and probably the safest bet, after all, worries just lower vibration.

Sounds too Good to be true, but hope it is so.
I am Optimistic after all.
Well, we’ll see I guess.

This sounds good? :thinking: Or at least not as bad as this one:

Ceasing to exist in individuality?
That means a soul can be (practically) destroyed (or at least having removed it’s personal identity)?

Or am I not understanding (?).

Thank You for posting these.

That is scary though…
Practically I’m leaving the/through the choices or rather effects of my Spirit already having chosed what happens next… (?)

So, fundamentally I am Consciousness, right?

Therefore Immortal?

Or? :thinking:

Am I not one with the Absolute or an Expression of It?

I can see or understand that.

But since they are vehicles, am I not the driver too/as well? :thinking:

How to not follow it?

What practical solutions are there for that and for this


Sorry for so many questions…

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Integrate your higher self… exist in the present … in the zero point layer where all your avatars are combined as one.

Start by practicing being aware … being here … when you’re doing something … keep the phantom of “who/what/why” always present … it’s easy to start counting sheep … it’s what we’re used to do all the time …

Habbit turns into a skill … the difference between the actual zero point layer and the precipices of it is very subtle … a sort of a gman-like figure waits at the fringe … you already know what to do tho, right?


Who’s him?

A possibility.

:point_down: :exclamation:
