End of Year Holiday Webinar - 12/22 (This Friday) at 1:30 PM EST

My first time Sapien webinar!
Thank you, I enjoyed


Thank You Sammy!


@SammyG Good to see you and connect with Dream! thanks again for a great webinar. Loved all the great tips on how to use Malleable Ego :purple_heart:

I just did a test of listening to ME while doing the guided journey - unlock full potential. Amazing! I feel so light. :cloud:

Any way to get this guided journey on Patreon? I don’t see it there.


@SammyG That was a great lesson on abundance, thank you for sharing that with us.

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My first webinar… and if it’s up to me the first of many.

Still buzzing with positive vibes! Thanks @SammyG !

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21 percent discount (End of Year Sale)

Received Email

End of year sales

the code is endofyear23 for gumroad and the sapienshop

endofyear for Teespring (the 23 doesn’t fit)

Expires and 2nd Jan 2024

Thank you for being here and I hope your Christmas and new year is amazing

I cannot get each person a present so the best I can do is a sale.

I wish you all a positive new year filled with love and abundance next year.


Awesome!, now we must ro wait until Sammy releases the new field/system(made from the same technique as the Malleable ego) that was mentioned at the webnar.


Ah man I got asked to play a gig yesterday and had to miss the webinar :pensive:

Did Sammy mention if it was being recorded and maybe being posted on one of sites for purchase?

It wasn’t recorded, but I think someone took notes.

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I await the new creation which should be released today

My first time Sapien webinar!
Thank you, I enjoyed!!!
Happy holidays :christmas_tree:🧑‍🎄:snowman::snowflake::fireworks:

This doesn’t work for the enlightenedstates shop, correct?

Due to timezone difference Im not able to join these webinars in the recent years. Who will miss Dreamy and Sammy talk otherwise.
Any summary or recorded video would be greatly appreciated Sammy. Thank u and season greetings to u and all forum members.


Thank you Dream and Sam!! :gift: :gift_heart:


I’m going to have to release the new product I spoke of early next week. Laptop has been giving me trouble with uploads and it’s going to take a few more days for my aging laptop to fully process these big files. No biggie, it’s all done anyways. If anything, this is better because I get to add 2 or 3 things that I think will be super helpful :slight_smile:

Anyways, Merry Christmas ya’ll. Much love to everyone here and hope you all have a pleasant time with your loved ones :heart:


I don’ t think the code will work for enlightened states.

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thank you for your kindness Dream, it’s a pleasure and privilege to be here.

I wish you and Sammy an amazing Christmas and a happy new year. Also for everyone here :blush:


Man this was such a good webinar. I’m not sure how much I missed, but the information I was present for really helped.

It was also cool to hear Sammy speak about what it really means to “Do the work”.

Thanks @SammyG.


I missed the webinar. Will the tips on how to use The Malleable Ego be posted?

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It s recommended to use before using other fields.

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