Warning: This Thread Might contain SPOILERS, so although I’ll try to cover (or not mention - in some cases) potential spoilers, you are still responsible for reading this thread.
So Game of Thrones Ending… , hmm, I think it could have been better, Much Better, I mean
Daenarys going psycho and burning every man, woman and child in King’s Landing is fulfiling her father’s wish: “Burn them all”…
I had such high hopes for her character, I expected some great things from her, she was like a Messiah (sort of) character, not a promised Prince, but a Princess, the Breaker of Chains, The Destroyer of The Wheel,…, and all she desteoyed were innocent souls… All to gain that damned Throne.
If they would have made one or two more seasons, expanding on her (potential) madness, it would have been more believable.
What is your view on
and on Game of Thrones?