Energetic alchemy - New Youtube Channel

Can We have description of all new audios available on Energetic Alchemy - New Youtube Channel ?


Most often, the videos are live-streamed so what you can do is go to the live chat box, and someone would ask what the video is doing and Sapien would likely respond.


is it on sapiens youtube channel or the EA?

How do you see all of the audios on this channel? When i click the Videos tab i only see 17, and I’ve seen many others in my Recommendations that I can’t find [such as deep organ cleanse, and many others]. I’m very confused, unless the extra videos are blocked in Canada?/

Not all audios are on Youtube.

  • Some need to be purchased from Gumroad
  • Some are only on Patreon
  • Some others are part of commercial albums that can be bought from Amazon, Spotify, iTunes etc.

Note: I am listing all audio sources above, not specific to “Energetic Alchemy”.

Example: https://open.spotify.com/album/3k7MYFtxPoAZiBLAmbbGcd

Here is the list of Commercial albums. Some sample tracks from these albums are available on Youtube.

True, but then there are more videos on the Youtube channel which I can’t acces, if I find the links on this forum, i get the error like below…

Can you paste that link here?



There are other videos like this which I have tried, but now I can’t find them, even by search lol. When I do try them they have many views on the counter so that tells me that these videos haven’t been taken down, just i cannot see them

When I click on the link in your post, I can play the video fine. Could it be some geographic restriction imposed by Youtube? Which country are you in?

Yeah it could be that. I’m in Canada

every single description is on here