Energy body/Aura deep clearing 24/7

Is there any benefit from running energy body/aura deep clearing 24/7?

If the audio’s goal is to reset your energy system and erase everything that’s not natural to your system, wouldn’t it be beneficial to run it all time during the day?

Does it mean that it will also wipe out patterns and bad habits that feed and leech onto us?

Like, if I’m playing this on the background 24/7 while I feel bad about stuff during the day, or having unconscious reactions to situations and other people it will be cleared out, right?

Does it mean it will also make those reactions and triggers less powerful each time they arise until nothing is left?


I thought once a day or even less was enough (as other members told me),
Yet now, reading your post, idk anymore.

I really hope someone who knows will answer these questions.

The answer to this depends on what you mean when you say “beneficial,” which I’m guessing might be different than–say–what I might mean when I use that same word.

Just so we’re on the same page, here’s the description for EB/ADC:

What this does is clear your entire energy system of built up junk and ‘psychic’ debris. With normal day to day living you build up a lot of negative non beneficial energies within your system that can affect you in the short and long term. Every negative emotional interaction usually creates a disturbance in your system.

This will clear out everything and wash over you helping you to return to being fresh and clean. I don’t not suggest you use this after other energy work or (subliminal) since it will likely clear out those energies as well (not that it is negative, but it is something different than your natural system)

Let’s apply this, the official description, to your next question:

No. This just clears out the junk and ‘psychic debris’ generated by your “patterns and bad habits.”

IOW, this is like one of my late brothers-in-law, who was a chronic alcoholic. His chosen M.O. for his disease (despite treatment) was to drink until he had to go to the hospital for a detox and then stopping at the bar on his way home from the hospital to resume his drinking. (Needless to say, his story didn’t have a beneficial ending, if you know what I mean.) EB/ADC is like the detox in my story. But you’re going to want to do something to heal and/or replace your patterns and bad habits (unlike my brother-in-law), you see?

This is just an aside here, but EB/ADC doesn’t address anything that feeds and leeches onto us. Taht’s why we have a variety of fields (like Exorcism, New Release: De-Inhabiter Combo, Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal (energetic energy programming) Audio Update!, etc.) to do that for us.

To me, this is the crux of your question. You’re feeling bad about stuff. I’m not criticizing or blaming you here. This is something that you’re doing (and is different from something that feed and leach onto you).

This is your version (albeit, much less problematic, I hope) of my brother-in-law’s drinking, and you’re wanting a similar strategy that he had.

No, not IME or in my understanding.

This, too, is another version of my b-i-l’s drinking.

Don’t be like my b-i-l. Use EB/ADC to detox yourself (as directed) and then use the rest of your day afterwards to heal your patterns and bad habits and to learn new, more helpful patterns and better habits.

And to do that, you may want to use the many fields we have for that, which means that (from my perspective) it’s not beneficial to use EB/ADC 24/7, because EB/ADC would neutralize the benefits of those healing and re-educating fields that you want to be using.

I’m going to suggest that you really don’t want those reactions to become less powerful until you heal them, because those reactions are your warning signs. They’re your indicators, that you are doing your patterns and bad habits in ways that are different from what you want.

To continue with my example, remember your patterns and bad habits are your “drinking.” And what you’re asking here, this would be like (assuming there was something like this available) my b-i-l using some “medication” to make his reactions to his poisonous drinking less powerful so that he could continue his drinking. His reactions were powerful to get his attention, to alert him that he was doing something really unhelpful to his experience.

I’m sure you’re not in as dire straits as he was, but I hope this example helps you make your decisions.


Maan, you know stuff!
Thanks for the explanation! :pray:

I agree with most of what you said and thank you for your answer addressing each concern.

But I do think that there are certain context and situations in which we lose control and there’s nothing much to do about it.

Think about a psychotic that can hear voices talking to him, would you say that’s his decision to hear those voices and he can stop it by making a choice? What’s the line between what we can control and what we can’t control?

Of course the degree of “lack of control” changes from people to people, addictions are really harsh.

I recall something about this. The other day I was really horny because I was foreplaying with my gf but I went to sleep anyways, and I had a nightmare about an incubus that was messing with me and using my defence mechanisms against me as a form of “fun” for him. So, I stepped up in my dream and I fought back, but he was more powerful anyways and “froze” me after I got the courage to confront him, and I couldn’t do anything, he was just laughing and messing with me even though I had the courage to step up on the situation and did everything in my power to deal with it.