Energy body rejecting fields?

In March I used plasma light (only for 5 mins) and it screwed with my energy body so much I ended up feeling really disconnected from my body for a few weeks. Since then fields don’t seem to have an effect on me and I think my energy body is rejecting the them as described in this comment The Black Panther Totem - #330 by Maoshan_Wanderer

I’ve tried everything from aura repair to energy blockage and ego dissolution. I don’t think it’s due to lack of belief I think my energy body might be in bad shape. I also tried taking a break for a few months as advised by others on this forum. I’m still in the same situation and fields are not working. How can you fix an energy body that goes into “tortoise shell mode”?

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If i am in your position i will use Salt Cleanse from dreamseeds in loop overnight.
It will remove any fields or energies which are not natural from you.

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What I’m feeling for you to use is this:

Force of Life
Jindan (golden elixir)
Nerve Inflammation Help

If you have the finances for it:

Mandelbrot Symphony
Soul Restoration Core

Try out the free ones first for 2 weeks and see how you feel.

Just a few answers I received, but take it with a pinch of salt as I am just learning doing readings with some servitor friends.

Feel better soon.


I appreciate it! I’ll try some out