Energy level chart!

Energy level’s and brainwave Hz. Feel free to comment! =)


Hi there,
this was actually talked about a lot here already.

You can just type in the search bar David R. Hawkins, Hawkins chart, and you should find the existing discussions


great chart and his books are quite interesting!

i would suggest to edit the topic’s category into spirituality.

the audio category works if you wish to discuss a morphic field of this concept.

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I’ve made some notes on the Letting Go book by David Hawkins, thought I’d share. This basically tells you each emotion and how to ‘let go’ of the lower ones to move up the energy level chart.

Letting Go by David R. Hawkins
Not letting go of certain things accumulates negative feelings, attitudes and beliefs.

Surrendered state: To be free of negative feelings in a given area so that creativity
and spontaneity can manifest without opposition or interference of inner conflicts.

Emotions & How to Let go:

Necessary to look at the secret satisfaction and enjoyment we get out of
self pity, resentment, anger, and self-excuses , and to begin to surrender all of
these little payoffs. Be honest with yourself. ( We choose to blame, so be honest ) “I can’t” situations can be helped by choosing to be with people who have resolved
the same problem.

Accept completely how you’re feeling, recognizing it for what it is. Acceptance leads to being able to handle it, pride. ‘I can do it and I can handle it
give us courage to move on.

Any thought that which we consistently hold in mind and give energy to will
tend to come into our life according to the very form which our mind has held it. Move into fear and take action.

When there is guilt there is fear, no need to feel guilty because it doesn’t
serve us. Don’t be hard on yourself. Work on changing negative programming to positive

Strong desire frequently blocks our getting what we want. Desire + Faith work
Our needs are fulfilled and our actions become more loving

Stop pressuring people with our own expectations and let them be who they are, allowing them to respond positively to us. Expectation is a form of emotional
blackmail. Be willing to be free of anger, so you can move up to courage and
acceptance. Let go of its little payoffs. (Practicing accepting others and wanting the best for them)

Be authentic to who you are and you won’t need to rely on pride anymore, surrender negative emotions.

Be willing to take chances and let go of former securities. Embrace new ways of
looking at things. Be around people who are supportive and lean into discomfort.

A feeling of belonging, loving and understanding and being understood. Being
proud of who you are, share and experience who you are and appreciation for who
they are. See hidden gifts in past events about which we have been resentful

Willingness to forgive others and yourself and past events.

Hope this could help :)