Energy, life force, scar tissue, leaks out


I had a surgery and having a small surgical scar in sacrum area! When I am trying to do pranayama breathing, my energy leaks out straight away through a scar tissue because those death cells don’t have a life, so they don’t hold a life force inside my body!
I am trying to fill my body with more energy but it leaks out straight away and I am.having issues with headache, unable to.meditate or restore my energy centres because life energy is vital for rising up the chakras, auras and vibration!

In that case my vibration cannot be risen up?

Or could I rise up my vibration somehow?

How could I get my energy back to normal and even make it risen up?

Is this soul restoration field gonna help me to restore my energy and permanently seal the leaks?
Or at first place, do i have to remove my surgical scar tissue and get rid of those death cells before to start operate with my life energy again?

Anyone to help me or with similar experiences?

After I lost my energy my life went gone!

Thank you!!!:heartbeat:

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Nice, I see that you already bought it. Make sure you read the full user manual and tell me what is your experience with this product.

Edit: Sorry, wrong section.

Watch this:

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This is the essential oil blend they developed to restructure scars & tattoos to restore proper energy flow:

You’ll need some way to super-energize the oil after you apply it. Focused intention might do it, tensor rings might do it, his scalar wand definitely does it (super expensive tho).

I’ll tell ya that this is such a waste of money honestly! U don’t want to restructure your scar! U need to get rid of it by replacing the death cells with stem cells (muscle, ligaments, skin etc.). Safe your pocket, find a new way bro! :)