Energy Sensitivity Audio - Layers?

Ok, this could be something I’m just psychosomatically experiencing but I’m on my 3rd day of Energy Sensitivity and I swear that every time I listen to it, I hear more of it if that makes sense.

So the first time I listened to it, ALL I HEARD was the droning tone/buzz. The second time, I listened in the shower and started hearing just the faintest undertone of a song. This time when I loaded it up, the buzz was almost background noise and the song was VERY noticeable. I don’t know if it’s psychosomatic or not because of the volumes, audio players, and circumstances by which I’ve listened to each change.

The only thing that makes me wonder if I’m NOT imagining it is that the energy I feel has increased with each play through from extremely subtle, almost gossamer, brushes to now a steady pleasant weight against my chest.

Did anyone else experience something similar?


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