Energy session

Interested, Grateful

I am interested! I am open to whatever you are offering.



Thank you, I could feel it quite strong at first but not overwhelming, once I accumulated to it, I felt at peace and still do.


Alright this is it for today and won’t be doing on anyone new. Will focus on ongoing ones. You can leave a comment and message and when I start tomorrow I’ll see you then. Like I mentioned you need to leave a message in private to get started

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So I push my system pretty hard 5 days a week and cool off on the weekends. Fridays are almost always the most touch-and-go with my nervous system. Not anymore! Apparently I just need a personal energy session xD

It addressed all of my nervous system issues, which again, is about a week of gradual stacking, and then moved on to some physical issues in my spinal column, brain, and gut.

The whole process was very… hmm, present. The energy was not subtle but it was gentle, if that makes sense. Like a massage therapist who knows where your comfort point for pressure is and stays there to get the min-max of relaxing and releasing.



Some of my experiences are in the similar vein as stated by others. It is 4pm on a Friday. Nearly the end of my work day. It was not a great work day. I believe I texted my wife an hour ago and told her I violently hated my job today(exact words). I do project work and every project had issues today. I also have worked out pretty heavily for six days in a row, just starting a kettle bell complex in that time.

So I was feeling beat up physically and mentally. I’d just sat down on the couch and was contemplating a short nap when I saw this.

I saw and felt a presence to my right side when the work commenced. Through the process of the different energy types sent my way I’ve felt much lighter and much more optimistic. Nap is no longer needed and in fact I don’t think I could do so if I tried right now.

Feeling much more hopeful and optimistic. Some astrological effects removal was sent my way and instantly I feel lighter.

Pain and discomfort in my left hip and neck and lower back have subsided. Generally I’m feeling like things are going to work out and universe has my back. I am breathing very clear, like I haven’t felt in months quite frankly.

Deeply thankful and I feel this sessions has just changed the tone for my whole weekend.


I felt like a massage had spread over my body, and I felt a little sleepy. I also felt an angelic touch and a great sense of gratitude for my health.Thank you


Can also confirm the massage kind of energy. It soothed relaxed my head tension in particular

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Interested but late haha :slight_smile: like first session with Dagon I was sleeping :slight_smile:

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I’m interested too

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Interested when you start again. Will send PM also.

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I would be grateful for an energy session, thank you.
Sent a PM

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I would also like to share my experience with the energy session. I’m not very energy sensitive, so I’ll just describe what I felt.

At the beginning of the session I felt warmth rising in my upper body. Then I felt a slight pressure in my head and ears. And I could also hear different sounds in my ears.
This was followed by an energetic cleansing and repair of the energy system.
And then came the best part. Grounding and an emotional uplift. It felt extremely soothing and relaxing. I almost fell asleep. It was deeply grounding but at the same time like floating on a cloud… if that makes sense :relaxed:. I also felt hands massaging the left and right side of my head.

Very grateful for that session.


Lucky you :slight_smile:

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I will be grateful for the energy healing session. Have also sent a PM.

Had a session yesterday. The feeling was much stronger than last time! My body was tightening and getting numb just within 5 minutes, and after a while I felt slightly dizzy, but not in an uncomfortable way, the feeling was good. As the dizziness got stronger, Equilibrium did some energy body and grounding for me. No kidding my dizziness was gone just within 2-3 minutes!

And today I just feel happy for no reason lol, no negative thoughts since this morning, a very good day for manifestation.

This is truly amazing and really appreciate it. Thank you Equilibrium.


There are probably messages that got lost in between so many messages. If I didn’t reply then message again to bump

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