Is the Energy Storage Item available on teespring good to use as a field creator?
If I put a pendant on it after I say release will the energy be embed on the pendant I put the item on and act like as a field? (eg: the energy stored from listening to a subliminal-affirmations video)
It wouldn’t embed the energy into the pendant permanently like a field item. It may infuse it with some of the energy temporarily depending upon what sort of pendant you use.
Since I listen/use a lot of affirmations videos, I am searching for a tool that could do this.
From what I searched on web, the Reality Programmer Tool and Field Creator were doing this stuff. Will those be available for sale again?
If you use it that way repeatedly, the item itself will start to vibrate with that energy, so to speak. Capture and release the energy for 33 days and I’ll bet you’d have a powerful field all by itself.