Energy workers vs subliminals

what are some flaws, excluding sapien, in energetically programmed audios that subliminals do better

Would a less coherent or strong energy work for subconscious programming still be considered better than subliminals?

Subliminals can be indirect energy work too when done correctly, they alter your mind which then alter your energy
Morphic Fields are step(steps) above from general energy work too


I would put the focus not so much on the audio but on the person creating. What states are they in, their intentions, how do they think/organize information, motivations, etc(?).

Subs seem based around the mind.

Choose people, not necessarily content description.

In general I’d say that energy work vs subliminals would be something like…

Random energy worker < Random subliminal < quality subliminal/energy worker

I would say that subliminals do better in general than energy work because there are A LOT of shady energy scams. If you can find a person or method that clicks well with you and you’re receptive to it stick with it for as long as it works. Never be too insistent that a method works when it stops giving results longterm.

As to which works better in general that really just depends on which works better. There isnt as much of a difference between the two as people think. Your subconscious directly affects your energy bodies. Your energy bodies directly affects your subconscious.