Enlightened States Teas for your refined palate

After 1 cup. Every cup you drink will give you that big chi or jing boost.

I kept quite a good amount for myself cause they are delicious and work fantastically. Big instant energy boost that stays with you for the whole day.


Which European countries did you include ? I looked in uk, Germany and french amazon and couldn’t find them anywhere . They are the biggest markets so …

I think I buy the jing tea when its available again

and dont forget guys… have always some honey in your tea for the full potential
I am drinking right now Guayusa Energytee it has some coffeine and is a very good coffee replacement

Its already unavailable out of stock !!! :sob: :sob:



Wait, you charged these teas with morphic fields?!?

Yes, he even “teased” us a few months ago:

Earl Captain Tea-Ser


I remember seeing that thread, but somehow thought it was just regular tea, not tea & energy work. Maybe I’m getting mixed up with the tea on SapienShop…that’s just tea, not morphic field enhanced tea, right?

Is there tea on Sapien Shop? Where? Let me check…

looking forward for your opinion of it ;)


There is no tea in Sapien Shop :man_shrugging:


Any idea when it’s available because it’s gone less than 24 hours :joy:

There used to be, but looks like it was all pulled. There also used to be various orgonite pyramids, different chakra stone pendants I think…there were various things in addition to his tags. I guess they’re all gone now.

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Already unavailable :persevere:

Thank you @SammyG! That’s great to hear. That means then I don’t need to listen to Chi or Jing audios if the tea effect lasts all day! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m also curious about Life Essence tea. This feels like it would be a gradual process…correct?

I purchased all 3 last night and should get them by Monday. Can’t wait to try them. 🫖

@everyone I’m still seeing all 3 in stock in the US market


Even with VPN it still shows Currently unavailable

@Clifet Which one? I see 5 left of Chi. Jing is now gone and will be available Nov 15. Life Essence is available

All of them @Starlight, I even tried UK and got nothing

Its propagating to the other locations,
should be there in a few hours.

There is ‘reserved’ stock, but they are spreading it to other fulfillment centers for ease of shipping.

Edit, seems impossible at the moment to get it listed on international, or for international export, plant products and ‘food’ items are restricted for international export.




Alright, so this is wild… I literally bought it 18 hours ago and I just received it!

@Captain_Nemo infused it with near instant delivery. I was in deep meditation running breath cycles and I heard the door knock. I’ll take it a sign to drink a cup and continue my meditation.

Edit: The taste is great! Starting to feel a surge of energy. Will let it do it’s thing and report back.