Enlightenedstates Advanced fields

Perhaps the ego is fighting back hard, if you can try meditating to ego dissolve followed by mediation with the pendant?


@Zen @Philip_Weiss thanks guys, these are good ideas I’ll give them a shot. I just got the new cognitive tag that has NGF ect, that might help. I’ve been mediating with Alpha field. I’ll give Epsilon a go.

I feel like completely removing my fear could put myself in some bad situations lol. The I’m invincible mentality doesn’t work so well In the mountains, I’ve seen multiple people die. The lingering fear could be trauma.


Hey man! You posted in June, what has been your experience with this field since then?

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Yes does your field s work ?I had 3 fields other but Like you said I am slightly disappointed

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Can you say 3 fields you own i wanna know

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How was it in this time brother! Tell us!

Hi there :slight_smile:

I have a question regarding the “Fearlessness” pendant : is the subfield “Subconscious Limiting Beliefs Clearing” the same as the field from the “Subconscious Limits Removal” dog tag ?

Also, is the subfield “Attractiveness & Charisma” of the “Essence of Beauty” pendant the same as the field from the “Voice of Charisma” dog tag ? There are some similarities between the two descriptions, but the “Voice of Charisma” seems more “voice-oriented” than “Attractiveness & Charisma”.

@SammyG or @Captain_Nemo, I guess you’ll know best.


Sorry I never responded till now. I stopped using the tag and am using others now based on my current goals. I do believe it works. I just feel like I had different expectations for how it was going to work for me and some of my own blockages around death and fear that made it harder for me to feel the effects.


Thank you very much my dear friend, I understand very well what you say and do not worry about them, I hope everything is going super well, a big hug !!!


Thank you. A big hug to you as well my friend :slight_smile:

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i love that the advanced fields are out of stock which means they’re quite popular!

i just saw there are new ones and they’re on sale!


I myself did not expect this. and when I decided to buy them yesterday, they were no longer on sale :) probably my time has not yet come for super-advanced items :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grinning:



No, they are not the same


Thank you, @SammyG :heart:

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Can someone tell me if these tags will still be available in the future or updated or replaced, cause I don’t see any movement for a really long time? Or maybe something else I’m missing? :pray:

You’ll be notified when this occurs. We are not selling tags anymore though but we may sell these fields in a different form this year.


Hi Sammy. So that means that none of the tags on thesapienshop.com will be available in the future?

I was really hoping to be able to buy Ascension, The Sacred Flower and Subconscious Limits Removal sometime this year.

If they would be sold in a different form, could this be a physical one?


Welcome to the Forum!

I suppose that’s one way of looking at it.

Orrrrrrr that’s what you get for being patient and wise enough to wait for the new and improved models, whatever they may be.

(Just sayin’.)


I think it’ll be awesome just to have those tag fields in audio format as well. :D

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Hi, Noesis! Welcome new