Enoch and aliens

Does anyone have more information about the aliens that worked with Enoch and the ancient hebrews?

They are described as “the watchers”, “fallen angels” even, etc.

If anyone knows what race/star system they ARE from and where they are NOW, let me know.

And no they arent the “Anunnaki” and they arent in Nibiru either. (I think, lol)

If you’re still on earth, @Nabs101, shine some light bro.


Are you referring to the ancestor of Noah or Harut and Marut?

The watchers were said to be giants. I think they were from Marduk. But marduk is long gone now atleast that’s what I know



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Book of enoch said giants were children of human women and the watchers.

Although the watchers were probably also giants lol.


We have a local expression here, which is “you are Nephilim” (which means something like “you’re funny”)… but I doubt that there’s a connection lol.

Anyway, don’t you worry my dudes :raised_hand:, I’m about to solve all this mystery for you, even taking the risk to be abducted. I’m also trying to connect with Nabs by using some specific fields. No, you don’t need to thank me, really.

(insert someone saying: “You’re not supposed to make fun like this, ôôô blasphemous child”).

There’s also @Josh… I count on him…


Another word for the offspring of watchers and humans lol, aka giant.

Not sure whats funny considering they supposedly turned on humans when they couldnt take care of them anymore and slaughtered them lol.

I wouldnt count on the beings from alien intercession.

There are a few on this forum who know but they keep it secret, we have to kidnap them and torture until they spill it ;D


Yes, that’s the term Samu. The “fun” interpretation here in our country is due to:

  1. It’s a whole other word but which is spelled similarly (more than most likely, 99.9%)
  2. Extra dark humor… (less likely)



According to my studies who created humanity were feline beings


Harut and Marut are the offspring of Samyaza.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYmAHYP3HSE

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That’s indeed the version that I’m most ready to “buy”. I get that ancestral feeling whenever I look at my cat friend’s (and all other cats) eyes, among others…


@Samurai I may be wrong but I think that this post by _OM includes all the necessary info, in a way. There are some “fill in the blanks” parts for sure but… You see what I mean. Shapeshifters + nameshifters + timeshifters. At least from what I poorly “understand”. Maybe _OM will tell “some day” :)


They came from Orion.

Literally the ancient definition of the word Nephilim.

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Since we’re on the topic, is there anyone on the forum who has the ability to see people’s cosmic origins?

I dont think Dracos worked with Enoch Brony.

The “watchers” actually gave humans knowledge.

But then they were labeled as “fallen angels”, because the knowledge was supposedly the “secrets of the heavens” aka certain beings not wanting us to know and exercise our divine rights.

That would be the dracos probably.


They are both draco/reps and it was more of a fight between themselves aka “good” dracos wanting to help humans vs the “bad” ones who wanted to enslave. Hence the whole “they rebelled and have fallen”

But I doubt it. Theres also a very strong link between Enoch and Sirius. I dont think theres dracos in Sirius lol.

But Orion seems possible, yes the pyramids he built are also aligned to Orion.

But what race man? And where are they now? Cuz Orion seems dead


The big imbroglio…

You’ll hate it but I’ll send to you a document about the 4 “types” supposedly identified as Sirians lol. To be read and reinterpreted of course. Not to buy as it is.

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:) Someone’s paying attention! :heart_eyes:

“Watchers”, “Enoch”, etc… really don’t matter guys.

“Watchers” would be 6th density or above beings (using Law of One Ra terminology)

“Enoch”, like most of these “legends” is almost always based on several different beings with similar “vibes”/missions that purposely or unconsciously get “lumped” together as “one” entity.

Supposedly one of those souls known by that name has reincarnated on Earth right now :man_shrugging:

Again, really doesn’t matter.
That person is saying the exact same “message” that every Enlightened and higher consciousness being has been saying for millennia,

You all already have the correct information to get where you want to be.

You simply have to:

  • actually listen to it

  • apply it consistently



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Lord Beerus!!!


I dont care about the message dude.

There were aliens who made “someone” build the pyramids aligned to Orion.

“They were the only ones showing up in person”

so that means Draco-reps were the ones who gave humans knowledge/mated with female women, created giants, and instructed “someone” to build the pyramids…?

Then the other aliens saw all the shit and created a flood to wipe out what the Draco-reps did?

Or are you saying the book of Enoch is bullshit and all of that never happened?