Enoch and aliens



Wasn’t Enoch, Noah’s great grandfather?

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which is why who and want happened doesn’t matter… in the slightest.

“They” came here to give the message.

They could give 2 shits about whether you and others are confused about this or that detail in history…which is why they don’t bother to correct the masses when others get confused about if they were “this” or built “that”.

So, per usual, I will NOT fill in the details because it’s a meaningless “side quest” that accomplishes nothing if not used with the right perspective.


So building pyramids aligned to Orion and teaching men how to build weapons and fight is a message for what exactly…?

And teaching women makeup and witchcraft?

Because were gonna do what exactly with the details…?

Its just to know man. Its the whole point of this. Just to know the details. Because its fun and interesting, also fascinating.



So…Since the draco-rep/whatever the fk were the only ones to show up in PERSON.

That concludes it then.

“Enoch” and co. were talking about the draco-rep

Case solved.

Thanks man

grrr… dude… we’ve discussed this already…like to death.

“Good guys” give good advice.
Bad guys pose as “Good guys” and give not so good advice.

Non-discerning humans who want to feed their ego, instead of the more “challenging” good advice, blindly follow the bad advice given by fakirs and get upset when challenged.

It literally happens on this forum every. single. day. with the “other morphic fields creators” thread.

It’s been happening since the beginning and Nothing changes for the most part.

you want the ‘correct history’…
Get enlightened so you can access the Akashic without “interference” and see the multiple ‘correct’ histories… (cause yeah, there’s more than 1 now)


I know the story man.

My question was the race/star system and where those fukers are now.

But I got the answer.

Both enki and enlil were/are draco-reps.



_OM, I’ll reread all and redigest, but do you mind if I ask a cartoon-question? Only because this is a version that I find fancy :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Are Cetaceans the “true”/first/original inhabitants of Earth? Some claim/write that when the dinos have been ejected from the planet, Cetaceans decided to order additional folks, in order to re-populate the planet. As if saying “ok, we’ll take care of the waters and move there, but please send some dudes to fill the continents. We can’t do the whole job”.

Is that another ego-made far-fetched delirium or not?


i’ll PM

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Have you ever read the poetry of the great airbending guru, Laghima?

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Need to watch ATLAS mate

Its from Korra -_-

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Yeah clueless mate. I’ll check it out this summer.

Let go your earthly tether,
Empty, and become wind.

Empty, enter the void.

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Just so you know, this is your equivalent of Philip randomly posting in French over here. Neither of which I can understand lol

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But its in plain english

Whats there not to understand?

Just let go your earthly tether, and enter the void.

Become one with the kerb.

Just waitin for mate

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Noooooo :sob:

The good guy / bad guy thing is almost like the series Warrior Nuns on Netflix lol
It’s been a while and I wasn’t paying full attention, but I think it’s about

The church hiding a secret that they have an “angels glory”
Which gives superpower to people (who don’t die when they get it)
However we find out it is actually a dimension opener thing and belongs to a being from another dimension who has some powers and pretends to be god/angel but he is in fact not


Lol plandemic