Entanglement; Physics and the Occult

Quantum entanglement, a pivotal concept in quantum mechanics, suggests that particles can become so deeply linked that the state of one can instantaneously influence another, transcending physical distance. Einstein famously described it as “spooky action at a distance,” pushing the boundaries of our classical understanding of space and causality.

In mystical traditions like voodoo, objects such as dolls are believed to influence a person when manipulated, mirroring the principle of quantum entanglement. This notion of an invisible, profound link echoes the enigmatic bond in entangled particles, bridging the gap between the symbolic nature of magic and the concrete realities of quantum mechanics. Usually an aspect of the person is added to the doll, it could be hair or a nail clipping, the operant observer of this process, (the practitioner) uses this to create the entangled link. The applied effect being, whatever happens to the doll, happens to the person entangled with it.

The practice of remote viewing, where individuals claim to perceive distant places or events, also shares parallels with quantum entanglement. Despite spatial separation, ‘remote viewers’ seem to entangle with their targets, accessing information in ways that defy conventional sensory experience, again i suggest entanglement can be the reason at play here. By creating the mental link or connection when they extend their perception remotely, that entangled connected allows them to perceive remotely. Their mental extension infuses the area with a piece of their own energy, allowing them to sense where it extends too.

We can extend the concept to human relationships, where deep emotional bonds create a kind of entanglement, manifesting in mirrored feelings or synchronicities, despite physical distances. This hypothesis suggests a quantum-like connection, transcending physical space, and offering insights into shared experiences and empathetic connections. Your emotions and energies become entangled with each other.

These ideas can be further developed to show that life’s events are not mere coincidences but part of an interconnected web. It posits that every interaction contributes to this intricate network, influencing events and experiences across vast distances, with each person moving along this web of interconnected experiences and events, creating more of these entangled situations in a grander shared planetary microcosm and larger universal macrocosm. As above, so below.

As usual I must say that this journey into the intersection of quantum physics and mysticism is theoretical and speculative. These are my musings and not a scientific paper.


Could you please separate paragraphs to make it plausible to read. :sweat_smile:

Thank you


I just did. I’m sorry for the inconvenience :sob:


they are way more similarities between the two


What’s cool is it’s a moment to moment basis - always happening. both big and small things.

A big one that I can recall, is having a sharp stabbing pain in my heart and then a few minutes later getting a call that my grandfather had passed. He raised me, so we were extremely close.

Thanks again dream, for sharing




Imagine the universe as an intricately woven tapestry, where each thread represents a particle or energy within the cosmic fabric. Quantum entanglement is like discovering that when you tug on one thread in this tapestry, another thread, however distant, feels that pull instantaneously. This mysterious connection defies the physical space between the threads, much like a hidden seamstress stitching connections unseen to the naked eye.

In the world of mysticism, particularly practices like voodoo, this concept finds a parallel in the use of dolls. Consider how a voodoo practitioner might attach a piece of someone—a lock of hair or a nail clipping—to a doll. This act symbolically links the doll to the person, so that whatever actions are performed on the doll are felt by the person, no matter the distance. This mirrors quantum entanglement, where particles remain connected so that the state of one affects the other, transcending the conventional bounds of distance.

Expanding this metaphor to the practice of remote viewing, imagine if these threads in the tapestry could send whispers along their lengths. Remote viewers, like mystics attuning their senses beyond the physical, claim to perceive distant locations or events by “listening” to these whispers, despite being far away from the actual events. They extend their perception, threading their consciousness along the tapestry’s design, feeling the texture of places and events from afar, suggesting a form of entanglement at a mental or psychic level.

When we consider human relationships, this idea of entanglement takes on a more tangible form. Emotional bonds between people can act like invisible threads in our metaphorical tapestry, where feelings and thoughts can synchronously mirror each other across great distances. These emotional entanglements suggest a profound, perhaps quantum-like connection that allows individuals to experience shared emotions and empathetic responses as if they are linked by an unseen force.

In the grander scheme, if we envision life itself as a vast, interconnected network—each interaction and every personal connection contributes to the pattern of this great tapestry. Events are not mere coincidences but are part of an elaborate weave of experiences, each one influencing and being influenced by others, across the canvas of space and time.

This contemplative journey into the realms where quantum physics meets mysticism offers a poetic view of our universe. While speculative and theoretical, it invites us to imagine a world where everything is connected in an intricate dance of particles, energies, and intentions, echoing the ancient hermetic axiom, “As above, so below.”


is this will be post in Patreon?

This was really great, would love to hear more like this in the future!


Other interesting musings from Dream.
Thank you for sharing this.


For a while I’ve thought of it as dew drops on a spider web. Like each person/life body could be symbolized by a drop.
Most people can conceptualize and have a sense of distance… space. Time is a little trickier it seems. People rely on memories which may include all sorts of sensations, highlighted, and details that are included or overlooked/omitted. The main thing is that all of this data/information isn’t usually organized, fully stored, or fully accessible by an individual. People pick & choose what they remember, and also very importantly, how they remember.

My experience is that not everyone is selective in how they process and store information, from their life, and then how they access it. Then there’s also the idea of pruning, or maybe just no longer identifying/holding onto an experience.

So memories as one way of considering a past. What about a future? I think it requires some understanding of a conceived past, with a connection to the actual present. Noticing patterns and waves of energy, and seeing how they play out with one another, on a narrowing and widening scope. An example of holding and releasing an apple…seeing it fall and knowing/approximating where it will land. Then perhaps a sense of what nearby animals/insects may be drawn from the remains.

But in being entangled, information and knowledge could be shared. Some people might think that their idea is their own, something ‘original’ or never previously been done. Their own work. What about drawing from another person or persons, the whole concept or even bits and pieces, unaware & unconscious of such connections.

Some of us (are not necessarily entangled with but) receive information from deities, ETs, or past/future selves. And that can be transmitted to fellow humans through entanglement. It can be a messy way of doing things though.

Learning to choose who and how you are connected with, and not connecting with.


So I don’t quite understand, is this field designed to amplify entanglements, and therefore attraction and energetic work, or on the contrary to reduce/suppress undesirable entangled empathic connections?

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I dont think its a field, I wish it was

Can you answer this


Oh yes, my mistake, I didn’t take the time to listen before finding out, sorry!