Entity, curse or energy drain?

2 days ago I went to visit my brother in law and nephew. he’s 5 years old.

at the beginning i’ve sensed a very dense, thick and dragged feeling by entering his house. this is no surprise because it’s a very bad neighbourhood and lots of accidents and bad things happened in that house (and also in that neighbourhood, we’re talking about kidnappings of women for prostitution, assaults, murders, drug deals, gangs, etc).

so, i started to play some exorcism, and release negative fields around the house.

my nephew at one point became really desperated because his mother didn’t buy him a candy so he started to crying out loud.

he hugged his mother anxiously and i tried to put my hand in his back at the level of his heart chakra to send some loving vibes.

this went bad immediately.

suddendly i felt a pulsation in my hand and it got dread, devitalized, dull and almost inanimated, kinda privated from life force.

i had to shake it several times because it was very dense.

then i played some exorcism/release negative/etc some more and i started to feel my hand getting back to its original state with some tingling and burnt sensations in a good way, like recovering.

my question is if this thing could be an energy drain, curse or entity? because i’m clueless on how to give sense to what happened.


I’m not an expert in anyway but what you’re describing feels like effects from an entity. Though you can’t exactly pinpoint without sufficient evidence. Could be a curse that caused an entity to latch onto him. Could be a curse with bad entities being in the vicinity after being gravitated towards it. Thankfully Captain’s fields cover both. So the solution is simple if you wish to help.

I don’t wish to intrude on your family matters, I’m just giving my two cents, but I’d personally visit more often just to investigate if it’s only from your nephew. Whatever caused that pulsating feeling in your hand.

May Allah grant you success and protect your family.


I would say, if you mean to do anything about this to-wards your nephew, I reckon you might consider shielding for him perhaps first, so you don’t leave him ‘open for more’ in case you’d consider removing something from him. Given your description of the neighborhood and his age… it might be that he’s been vulnerable to stuff around that place, without the specific ‘need’ for a curse.
Or perhaps, if you’re unsure about this kind of approach, maybe you could persuade the parents to play environmental fields around the house to make it ‘non-attractive’. I don’t think it’s that unusual for someone to say the vibe of a place is not feeling good.
Oh, what if you gave him the Michael mandala to wear? I suppose Michael might support him with his ‘vulnerability’ too, whichever that might be. If you’d need to justify it to the parents having him wear it, I can image some scenarios in which it could be rather easy. You have a case for it so to speak, even if you don’t tell them about your experience, and it looks fairly similar to wearing the image of a saint or something

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