Environmental Transformer Servitor (Patreon)

As others have already asked, does ETS help us even if we don’t print “It”/It’s image?? If I just see and communicate with the image on Patreon or the downloaded one/png on my PC or Phone, will this Servitor help me? Sorry, but I didn’t read/see a clear reply/answer/confirmation to the above question(s) …


"Simply print, carry around, direct it for specific tasks or passive ones.

An active ‘smart servitor, energetic transformer’ that constantly draws in, filters and cleans the energy in the environment."

The response to your question is in the description…


Sammy I assume responded in the Patreon comments. Displaying it on a screen is fine but it is only active as long as it is displayed that’s why its best to have it printed out in some fashion


Going to start to give this one commands instead of just carrying the mandala. I finally connected with it and gave it the name “Cyclops” and felt crazy chills across my body.
Looking forward to spreading love and light everywhere alongside our new friend! :eye: :white_flower:


Thank you so much for clarifying! :pray: Wow, I now have an invisible friend, literally! :smiley:

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My pleasure! We truly have been blessed with many allies to support us through this human experience thanks to Dreamy!
Connecting with it and carrying the image are essential to tapping into it’s powers :purple_heart:


I had this mandala/servitor printed, laminated and, along with a copy of the Eternal nft, I carry them in my wallet when I go out and under my pillow whenever I sleep for over a week now.

It just seems that my room, my house and anywhere I go, the atmosphere feels so pleasant and nice along with the people I meet. It’s hard to put in words.

Also, before I carried this, the wooden walls of my bedroom were rat-infested. On the first night before sleeping, I gave it just one silent command: “Hi (name of my servitor nft), how are you? Please remove all the rats in the walls of my bedroom permanently, thank you.” That’s all I did and by the second night, there were no more scratches, noise of rats in the walls up to now, to my surprise. Even the cockroaches are gone and just a few small lizards are seen hiding in my windows.

This really works for me and I’m glad I had a copy of this printed. :+1:


very interesting your testimony :grin:!!! I will test :ant::rat: !!!


If I just renewed my patreon subscription (I didn’t had any money on my card/paypal in the first day of the month, so the automatic subscription didn’t happened), is the servitor back in business? :sweat_smile: As in, do I need to download the image again or is all good (I can use the old downloaded image)? And if not, do I need to give him a new name and do it all from the beginning (well, I didnt read the whole thread, sorry if this question has been answered already)?

Thank you, @SilverZuzu! :pray::slightly_smiling_face:


The servitor is “back in business”.
U dont need to download him again.


I asked him to protect children in my family and instantly felt a warm energetic response.

@Captain_Nemo will the servitor work with $1 tier? I would need to downgrade for a while.


ahh i dont think so, its tier specific.


wait no?
you meant financial protector tier?

oh i meant financial
yeh this is for both


Your brother also from india from another mother. Good to see an indian here


How do we print and carry it. Just clarifying my views on it. Shall i print it on a small paper by changing the measurements or shall i print it on a normal a4 sheet and fold it and carry it in my pocket or wallet.
Thank you so much .

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There’s a thread dedicated to NFTs…



Thank you so much for the guidance


Could I ask for a bit of advice.
I’ve recently moved house and the heating system is air to water. It’s a very artificial stuffy kind of heat and its really messing up my throat and lungs. I’m sure it’s irritating the crap out of my Sarcoidosis and I feel like I have a throat and chest infection because of it and my breathing is gone terrible.

I don’t have much experience with the Environmental Servitor, would it be able to help with my issues to transform the dead air stuffyness kind of heat into a…not so dead stuffy kind of heat? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’m not even sure how to ask properly and if it can be done for the whole house or would it just be the room I would be in?
Thanks for any type of advice :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes I think he can help clear the air. You can ask it to infuse your place with Air Revitalizer also. Experiment with your room and then you can ask it to do larger areas.