But if your issue is pmo in particular which may be the root cause of your ED, then the PMO may just be the symptom, I think you are already there as you mentioned sacral chakra so your looking in the right direction.
Sacral chakra is the seat of your emotions, it’s also where guilt and shame is stored and traumas and uncomfortable emotions.
For me pmo was a subconscious coping mechanism to deal with bullying in my teen years during school days, after I graduated school, the bullying stopped but the addiction remained, because i never dealt with those situations and the traumas and memories were just deeply stored by my subconscious it was never resolved till I started meditating and watch all that shit come to the surface, I healed later on, but it was a bumpy ride, and an emotional roller coaster.
So I would look within and mabye discover the root, I shared my brief story to perhaps give you some insight into yourself or you may pick up on some sort of pattern.