Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Energetically Programmed Audio)

The combination of frequencies and energetic progamming with work towards treating erectile dysfunction by increasing and restoring hormones and bloodflow while also using the functions of the hMaxi-K gene in the corpus cavernosum. Use twice daily for best results. Do not over use.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Any ideas on why this shouldn’t be overused? Hormones?

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What I am thinking logically is that it will have the opposite effect and become hyper function

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Who’s going to be the brave erectonaut to try it?


Hahahahhahahha that’s real ascension :joy::joy:


What happens if u listen to it even tho u don’t have a ed

You become a walking boner…watch out

Manly Man will, instantly cure it

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