đź“ť Essays On True Soul Friends etc


First of all I’d like to thank @Captain_Nemo and @SammyG for putting their best foot forward, sacrificing their time and energy, inorder two enrich everybody’s lives and help them heal. That takes monumental amounts of courage. You guys have my loyalty.

“Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart,” Eleanor Roosevelt.

Some people used to described true friendship as a connection between two fiercely loyal people who would give their lives for each other’s well-being. A true friend used to be thought of as a person who would stick with us through thick and thin; someone we could confide in about anything and everything, and trust completely.

How many of us have someone like this in our lives? Or maybe we are that person; that we would give our life up in order to save a nother. Would you risk your life for someone you love?

Take a moment to think about your answer.

These days the meaning of friendship has been diminished as we assign our drinking buddies, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances with the friendship status. We even reward the strangers and distant associates on our social networking account “friend lists” with the devalued title, as though the word “friend” is something that can just be tossed around and pinned onto anyone with a face.

While it is great that we are open enough to assign anyone in our lives as “friends,” our ignorance of what a true friend is and what being a true friend means contributes to a great sense of isolation, loneliness, and pain in our lives.

Friendships are one of the most purest forms of love among humans because it (rarely) receives any form of sexual gratification; just the joy of connecting deeply with another. Perhaps this is why we love our pets so much? They often provide the only form of true soul friendship we can find immediately in our lives. The love of a pet is an unconditional love. Can you say the same for yourself or for others?

Asking myself this question often makes me stop as I come to face all of the conditions that I tend to impose on others that hinders a true soul friendship. And honestly while this shocks and deeply grieves me, I see it as an opportunity to grow. Fortunately, I have found a couple of true soul friends in my own lifetime which have taught me a lot about the meaning of unconditional love. This is what I have learned:

There is no need to hide anything or walk on eggshells. when talking with a soul friend there is a sense of openness. They want to help you grow and build you up rather than tear you down. They are forthcoming when they criticize and doesn’t resort to passive-aggression. They trust in the friendship.

Soul friends open themselves up to truly listening, with the intent to understand your thoughts, feelings, dreams, or dilemmas. You can completely trust them. As they honor your privacy and deeply respect the confidence you have placed in them. Rather than being pushy, needy, or demanding, soul friends respect your boundaries.

They value forgiveness and don’t hold on to resentments. They can let go of all the little quarrels that happen from time to time. If they are angry or hurt, they prefer to talk about it directly and openly rather than hiding it away.

One of the most precious gifts that a soul friend gives in a friendship is unfailing kindness and goodwill. They will see the best in you and help bring it out. While you might feel talentless or ugly, your friend will remind you of your many skills and beauty. They like to compliment you.

Your soul friend is with you through thick and thin. Through your darkest nights and brightest days. They are right by your side loyal, compassionate companions they are by your side when you are at your absolute worst.

Who is a soul friend to you? How can you be a better soul friend? And how can you go about inviting such meaningful connections into you life?

This is the song that inspired all of this…



i love this and this is definitely one of my big focuses in this lifetime to be that true soul friend and to have those true soul friends.


Thats the thing about love conscious in a unconditional level, ego makes something so simple so challenging.


yes i was going to mention that i’d love my thoughts to be my own cheerleader instead of a judgemental jeerer that never pays rent. my thoughts are getting better, but it’s been a tiring journey.


I love Dream and Sam enough to dishonor them by shitting on those who disrespect them in their dojo.

Do not mind me, I am at the intersection of tetra… hydra… whatever and alcohol.



How to Become Your Own Best Friend!

We can learn to be our own best friend. If we do, we have a friend for life.

Wealth, other people, including your spouse, partner, friends, parents, siblings, children will never make you truly happy and whole. Your status and occupation
will also NEVER make you complete.

Without first learning how to enjoy, appreciate and respect ourselves, we will never truly be able to enjoy, appreciate and respect the other people and things in our lives.

If we fail to put in the painful and strenuous effort of making peace with our selves towards the cultivation of self love and understanding, we will forever be stuck in the way we currently are in society. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again only to expect different results each and every time.

stop wasting your life seeking for something externally when you have it internally all along. Don’t worry, it may be that you just haven’t realized this. You need to realize that becoming your own best friend is compulsory upon you if you seek to feel whole and complete in yourself.

You need to truly assimilate the importance of becoming your own best friend, or you will continue to suffer tremendously in life.

Without taking charge of your life and becoming your own best friend, you will continue to feel the pain of rejection, the pain of loneliness, shame, disgust, and the pain of abandonment. You will continue to unconsciously believe yourself to be unworthy and an unlovable person.

Let’s start by looking at some ways on how we can become our own best friend:

“When you decide to take care of yourself, to take charge of yourself, there is still a big job ahead. It takes thought and effort to shake free of bad habits. A part of you may well be quite indignant at the changes you’re trying to make. That part of you that is quite comfortable in the old ways and has no desire to see things or do things differently can put up quite a fight”. Mildred Newman

You must possess courage, determination, will power and persistence in order to break old habits and firmly establish new ones. Even something so simple as admitting that you’ve made a mistake in the way you’ve treated yourself can be a large mountain to climb.

Sometimes it presents itself as an awful blow to the ego to feel you’ve made a mistake. That’s why people don’t want to change. It would mean admitting they were wrong. It’s ok to be wrong. It’s a learning experience.

when you do something you are proud of, dwell on it a little, praise yourself for it, relish the experience, take it in.

We need to remember that if we outsource our self-worth and self-esteem, we will always wind up feeling like miserable failures. Why? Because the thoughts, opinions, beliefs and expectations that we use to measure our success and worth are outside of our control.

Does a good friend punish you with an onslaught of verbal criticism for hours? No. A true friend accepts both the good and bad in you without passing vicious judgment. They realize that no one is perfect.

What are your deeper drives and motivations, what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Often times people look outside of themselves for confirmation of who they are because they haven’t spent enough time developing a strong sense of self. The more you understand yourself truly, the easier it will be to like and respect yourself for who you are, rather than who you think you are according to external people, trends and circumstances in your life.

Paying attention to what goes on inside of you is the first step to discovering why you think, feel and behave the way you do, promoting self-understanding; an essential ingredient in any healthy friendship and relationship. And without being self-aware of who you are and what you do, you will never be able to develop a genuine bond with yourself.

When it comes to supporting ourselves, we often drown out our pain by indulging in food, sex, gambling and other addictions including self-pity and other self-destructive behaviors. Learning how to face our hurt, instead of escaping from it, is one of the most essential and most difficult ways of developing self love.

The sad truth is: many of us treat our bodies terribly. We neglect them, ignore them, and consistently abuse them, creating a host of physical, emotional and psychological sicknesses. Listen to the needs of your body.

Becoming your own best friend takes a lot of persistence and effort, but when consistently striving to apply the above recommendations, your life will gradually become happier and more whole. The best thing about becoming your own best friend is that it’s a gift you will have for life, a gift that no one can ever take away from you.

And if you still feel like nobody loves you in this world, that nobody is there for you, nobody cares about you, - don’t give into it. At that very least i love you and care about you and I’m sure somebody else does as well.
