Essence of Beauty!

I was taking a left turn and noticed the car ahead of me won’t pass.

They were trying to give me their right of way and i had to wave at them to keep driving and stop staring.

Super dangerous to give others YOUR ‘right of way’.

First time this delivery guy stayed after their delivery and asked to play a game with me before he left.

Pretty fun and he was very charismatic.


I just had a class where a teacher described this phenomena. Of the dangers of giving away your right… Funny…

So, you’re stopping traffic with the tag? :thinking:


I mean i really hope i’m not. they literally were stopping everyone waiting for me to turn left when they should just keep driving forward.

It’s a bit cool though since i’ve never had this experience and no one was hurt.



Some people are just terrible drivers. Though I’m interested to see if a pattern develops here


a teen at work who knew me a year ago told me in front of their friends that i look like a disney princess.

this teen never cared to talk to me back then and i was usually scolding them and their friends whenever i saw what they were up to.

i wasn’t even wearing my essence of beauty as i do a lot of physical activities at work.

also my perception of others’ beauty has definitely been heightened.

i can tell when people are taking care of their health because to me they look more attractive.

i used to see beauty as only visual. now i see beauty as more energetic.


As a Libra I´m very happy when I see beauty in the world.

Will look into this tag!


my favourite tag!

it’s one of my desires for captain nemo to create a negentropic dogtag version!

everyone needs more beauty in their life!

beauty is health. beauty is organization. beauty is emotions. beauty is spiritual.

i’ve been using plasma flower and the plasma series along with essence of beauty and it helps me look into my current ‘beauty mindset’ and replace limiting beliefs with non-dual ones.


essence of beauty is like enhanced glory or BPIL, it’s been telling me what morphic fields to use to enhance my physical beauty. i have seen a ton of visual and aesthetic improvement ‘down there’ because of morphic fields like the negentropic three treasures and plasma protocol.



so apparently some guys think i’m catfishing them because they can’t believe how pretty my pics are.

my ego told me i suck with selfies and i don’t know how to use photoshop so it was super flattering but…

they showed me that i am attracting the timid guys when i’m looking for charismatic and confident guys.

this is definitely progress though! frustrating progress haha.

i now have more to work with internally so what i really desire gets reflected out in my reality.


Ojas + inner beauty reflect outwards


definitely going to use ojas soon! i’m working with my inner guidance and focusing on jing. need energy to do anything and i have too many ‘outlets plugged in’.

inner beauty reflected outwards is already part of essence of beauty.

Inner Beauty & Outer BeautyIn essence, everyone is beautiful. The same spark that a cherry blossom has, is within allof us. Beneath all the limiting thoughts about ourselves, the negative, dark things aboutus, what people think of us, there is beauty. There are qualities within all of us thattranscend the standards of beauty. Qualities that we may not have ever discovered, thatwe have never even felt before. The states of being where you would feel most beautiful,comfortable, joyous, loving of yourself and of the world. That state of being is beauty initself and it is an inherent feeling that is possible and latent in all of us. If you’ve everbeen around anyone in that state of being, they were radiating beauty. They looked andfelt beautiful. And if you ever were in that state, you were certainly perceived to bebeautiful by others as well. Remember what beauty is… its a feeling of pleasure induced by something’spresence.The inner beauty



I think I must see for, uhh, “science purposes”

But really interested in getting this since I’m strongly considering getting into a more visual job and I always want to be on top of my game

Blame the libra rising part :weary:


haha sure one day i’ll send a PM to those interested.

i like my anonymity on here because i stream.


Libra rising, you probably don’t even need this field lol


with the weight of everything else being scorpio you have no idea


i’ve been led to start using lotion and i found one that fits my needs and smells delicious!

with the help of my new lotion my skin has been feeling more smooth and hydrated.

i’m also gradually buying new clothes and giving away old ones.

i’ve been enjoying my reflection. especially my hair! i like my natural waves and i get many compliments from those that know me.

my grooming skills got better. i have less and less accidental cuts. i love grooming my own eyebrows and they’ve become more and more symmetrical. i’ve been enjoying the shape of my eyebrows as well!

i feel out my food and see what emotions and thoughts come up before deciding to eat.

i’ve been gradually less interested in processed foods and the taste hits different.

my current challenge is practicing my selfie skills. i bought a new phone with a better camera, but i consciously know i haven’t put much time into dressing myself up and finding cool places to take pictures in.

i have even higher standards now. besides being around someone who is visually appealing, i also notice how they smell, what they say, and how they make me feel.

i also look for those that naturally let me stay in the present moment without thoughts forcing my attention.

i still do my best to be open, but the higher standards definitely remind me of my boundaries as i used to fall for my guilty feelings and do things i regret later.


i’ve been feeling more confident walking around and practicing my eye contact with strangers.

two hot guys who were friends were staring at me at the park while i was with my friends.

one cute guy gave me that ‘sup’ nod as he was driving the opposite direction i was walking from.

actually i’ve noticed people in general just wave towards me from inside their car while i go out on my walks as if they know me.

the guys i talk to keep complimenting my smile multiple times in the same conversation.

people in general continue to compliment my hair. i still don’t use anything but water on my scalp and hair.

i have less body dysmorphia as i care less about watching movies and tv shows (besides star trek because i love the exploration and the characters aren’t sexualized).

i’ve had a thought that i want to share the energy of beauty to others unconditionally just like a healer would treat any of their patients.

but i don’t want to come at it like a ‘beauty guru’ or anything that makes others feel like they need to purchase something to have the feeling of beauty and confidence.

thoughts are still brewing.


it’s really nice when guys initiate flirting with me.

i was playing valorant with my friends and the moment i spoke on call the random guy on our team began to compliment me with his pleasing voice.

my friends were surprised it happened but i didn’t acknowledge it and just continued to enjoy playing the match without needing ‘more attention’. i felt pleased and grateful enough that i give that reaction just by interacting.

people’s compliments are starting to sound and feel more believable to me when i was full of doubt.

it’s really fun when i find new reasons why someone is beautiful to me. like i am more and more aware of their beauty which has always been there.

i’ve been very explorative of my sexuality because my definition of beauty continues to widen.

Edit: May 14, 2021

Life is becoming more and more beautiful.

Ugliness and Beauty are the same thing! They’re duality from the ego’s perspective. My friend I made at an ayahuasca ceremony shared their experience about beauty to me before I even realized how much Beauty means to me.

They told me that they saw something beautiful but then when they turned their head (or perspective) it looked ugly. When they moved their head back to the original position it looked beautiful again. It clicked for them!

Life is more beautiful.

How? I taste more beautiful things. I see more beautiful people. I feel more beautiful feelings. I hear more beautiful things.

I’m in a reality where everyone I interact with treats me how I want them to treat me. I realized that I didn’t need a romantic relationship to complete me.

Life is more fun where I am at right now.

My biggest gratitude is I learned my love to serve others. I have been more and more generous with my time, money, and feelings to make others feel loved.

I feel like my spirituality is to learn about connecting. The more I serve others, the more blessings I get.

I realized that I can get closer and closer to people now because i have Essence of Beauty to remind me that everything is essentially beautiful.

The main things that blocked me from serving and connecting to others are:

  • My fear of aging
  • My fear of physical pain
  • My fear of ‘ugliness’

Essence of Beauty washed all of that away by being a constant reminder that everything and nothing is beautiful.

I am also grateful to Sapien Medicine. Having this pendant is just like when my dog Jax came into my life!

I love that every Essence of Beauty is different. My pendant is a beautiful opal and i’m very attached to it as I wear her 24/7.

I even read more about the opal and its historical origins. Fascinating stuff! My friend out of all the videos she could share just happens to show me a documentary of opal mining.

The amount of flirting I am receiving is surprising and welcomed.

I realize that if i lose this item in anyway, that doesn’t mean I lost my beauty. That means that beauty will always be within me and everyone.

I realize that whatever I do, like a child, I will always be there for myself to teach myself in a loving and graceful way.

I realized a deeper connection to my inner thoughts and feelings that share more of their wisdom with me.

To be spiritual is to be responsible as the role models of the world.


Wow! You are really selling this item! It’s pricey but I’m truly considering it now that I see your testimony. Are you saying this does change you physically? Because the description in the shop says otherwise lol


a cup of water is still a cup of water. what changes is your perception of that cup of water.

i recognize when i see myself as ugly and actively change that through talking to myself and/or breathing through the judgement.

you still need to exercise if you want muscles. you still need to take care of your hygiene if you want to smell and look clean. you still need to research fashion trends past, present, and future to look stylish.

what helps is asking others what their definition of beauty is. you may find that everyone’s definition is unique. what’s beautiful to you may be ugly to another.

the amount of compliments i receive have increased, but also the amount of criticism. when criticism is pointed out, i just laugh it off as i know my body more than anyone else.

but i don’t know about others, if i hear the same compliment over and over somehow life gives me less of that specific compliment unless i meet someone new.

it’s still my favourite morphic field, but like dream has said i agree with him that physical beauty doesn’t matter.

adding physical beauty to someone’s worth is just another means to separate others. judging others for their perceived beauty has hampered my social development at quite an early age. i could have had more quality friendships if i looked past someone’s physical beauty and felt the energy they gave off instead.

i bought this because i was done with judging others and myself on the duality of ugliness and beauty. i just want to see and appreciate everyone and myself as beautiful.

we’re all beautiful in our own way.

there’s the audio and mandala if you want to test it out for yourself before investing in this.


Thanks for the thorough reply! I’m really glad to hear the wonderful effects this field has had on your life.
What mandala/audio? Inner beauty reflected outwards?