Essence of Success

First listen, I felt very emotional and some memories of failure arose as part of myself is still in doubt about my ability to reach success. After the session, I started to slowly complete my pending work although at first, I had intended to rest a bit more (common excuse for procrastination :joy:).

Thank you @SammyG and @Captain_Nemo for this gem.


Review from my GF.

Due to some argument at work, she was very agitated and unable to sleep. At around 1 am, I could not stand the tossing and turning any more and told her to use this guided audio. Within 15-minutes, she said a wave of relaxation came over her and she slept peacefully. Though that is not the primary intended effect, it can certainly help folks relax and chill! I did not fall asleep as I did the journey sitting upright, but the total relaxation was amazing!


Do these meditative fields work even if you do not follow carefully or do not know the narrator’s language very little?

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Yes. That’s even mentioned in the introductory words.

Are you able to comfortably understand, while staying relaxed, the story that’s being told to you? If you are, then you’re good.


Really little

Got it. That’s a helpful answer, thanks!

If you already have this field, you can take comfort in the fact that the field will be doing its work on your behalf, even with the language differences (because Sapien’s morphic fields aren’t limited by language). The other bit of good news is the recorded words are recorded, meaning they’re not going to change. So, you can use the unchanging recorded words to learn what is being said. As you become more familiar with what’s being said, you’ll be adding the hypnotic story (and its suggestions) to the included field that’s already working for you, so that you’ll soon be able to enjoy the “one-two punch” of the combination of hypnosis and field that Sammy and Cap’n intended for this product.

If you don’t already have this field, you can play around with that learning process with the free Guided Journey : Unlock Full Potential, so you can have your own experience learning the words in combination with the field. That could be a good way for you to sort of “test-drive” this combination field-hypnotic story guided journey to see how it works for you.


Yes, I tried it, but maybe it’s the meditative approach to the field. I remember that in the beginning with the subliminals, I had started listening to some meditation that sent you into hypnotic trance, and I had also done some live courses with these hypnotics, but beyond the language they really required relaxation. Now not being used to those anymore but to passive listening to subliminals, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to have that approach anymore. I tried Guided Journey: Unlock Full Potential, but I didn’t follow much and got distracted most of the time: maybe it’s not suitable for me.

I think it’s highly unlikely that you’d be able to learn the new language in the meditative state. You’d more likely learn the new language more consciously, separate from your actual use of the recording, translating and learning bits as you go. When you’ve learned enough of these words, then you can go into the meditative state and let your unconscious mind do its work in the meditative state.

But, as you say, this just might not be your cup of tea, and that’s fine, too. You have other tools you can play with instead.


that’s right, I tried but I didn’t find myself, that is, now I have another approach. I prefer classical listening, even passive, of the fields.


This feels amazing, the first 2 times I feel into deep sleep, but the third time I put myself in an uncomfortable position and finally was able to be conscious of the effects. It feels sooo good.

Dream and Sammy should post more videos like these to get the general population involved, I am sure they would also want to take part in this blissful experience


For those of you who are worried about falling asleep during these guided journeys:

If you’re waking up right at the end of the recording, chances are that you weren’t actually “asleep” but rather you were hypnotized, just like these journeys are designed to do. IOW, you were “doing it” just “right” and the field was actually working for you very well.

Isn’t that good to know?


I didn’t get up after that and I sleep for 6 hours sooooo…
it worked a bit too well


Yeah, in that case you feel into actual sleep ( :slightly_smiling_face: ) but that’s not bad for two reasons:

  • Your conscious mind was out of the way (which is one of the objectives of hypnosis) and
  • Actual sleep is the way that we hypnotic subjects naturally bring ourselves out of hypnosis if (for whatever reason) we miss the “awakening” instructions.

I’m glad it’s working oh-so-well for you.


There is actually something that has made me doubtful since the days of the subliminals about listening while you sleep. During sleep, the body, and in particular the brain, does a sort of check-up where it then goes to repair what needs to be repaired: doesn’t listening while you sleep disturb this operation?

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I see your thought process with this. I’ve only ever felt drained or woken up more tired than when I went to sleep if I play a heavy field on loop over night be accident. I like to set a timer for a playlist that runs for the 1-3 hours as I’m falling asleep and that always feels right for me. But I can see playing fields or subs all night as being a net negative


Any other testimonies on this one?


So the 15 minute audio file and the visualizer are all the files we need, or?
I wasn’t expecting a hypnosis track as I’m so used to the other fields.
All we do is listen to it and it does it’s job?
Sorry if my questions seem a bit stupid :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


From the item’s description:

I’m posting this because these instructions are slightly different from how you’ve summarized them and those differences could be helpful to you.

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Perfect, thank you so much! This definitely helped understand how to use it :pray:t2:

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Summary till now (40 posts):

Any more experiences?