Eternal Bliss pendant


Happiness is often perceived as a fleeting emotion. A feeling of heightened elation, where everything is perfect in the moment and you feel as whole as you can ever be. You might have felt happiness during a cruise with a significant other, after graduating and celebrating with friends, accomplishing something you spent years trying to do or even getting something you’ve wanted for so long. But this happiness, it usually fades as the moment carries on. Life hits us with problems that automatically bring our moods back down and we go on swinging like a pendulum of positive to negative, negative to positive moods.

Happiness becomes a tail we chase that we only can get the grip of for a few seconds before it pulls away and we go on chasing again. A great majority of people actually don’t even get a grip of happiness, as life always has its way of letting them down. But see, happiness isn’t just a feeling. It can also be a state of being. To be a happy person is to naturally look at things in a positive way, to feel love and gratitude for who you are, what you have, of the world, be surrounded by positive people and positive things. This is certainly possible to induce in any person and despite the circumstances one has or that come up, happiness from within will not disappear. Instead, it will give one the strength and mental fortitude to carry on.

The Eternal Bliss field creates a persistent happy state of being within you and helps it grow by also affecting the way your environment behaves as well. These are it’s many subfields:

Happiness & Joy

This field generates a feeling of pleasant happiness that will envelop you constantly, day and night as long as you wear the item. While some people will feel a slight rush of physical pleasure from this field, it’s main purpose is to create a persistent happiness, that causes the events of the world around you to be perceived in a kinder, more joyful manner. The stings and harms of the world will still hurt, but be easier to cope with rationally. This uplifting joyous feeling will be further supported by love and gratitude, which escalate it to blissful levels.

Love and Gratitude

Love and Gratitude is a state of grace. To love the moment and be thankful for it at the same time is to feel whole and complete. If you have ever been in a state of bliss before, you probably felt love and gratitude at the same time and this field will replicate that. In addition, being in a state of gratitude is also to be in a state of abundance. Abundance is to have and when you feel thankful for what you have, you also begin to attract more of what you want. This also tends to attract more positivity into your life which works hand in hand with the next field.

Positive Energy for Environment – The environment we are in generally has a very strong effect on our state of being. If there is negative energy in your environment, it will seep into your aura and start affecting your emotions. If the people around you are negative, then even more so! The energy in this field repatterns the energy around you to become positive, creating an uplifting vibe wherever you are. Not only will this positive energy affect you but certainly will affect others around you as well. They will be more geared to feeling positive and most importantly, acting positive towards you. This positive vibe that you carry everywhere around you will over time change your mind to think, feel and act more positive. Positive energy tends to attract more of what you want and also create more positive situations for you.

Unconditional Love Flow

Unconditional love is an energy of unity, of connection, where things all flow together in harmony. This field aligns you with a phase of existence where everything flows with unconditional love. It is like experiencing a magical realm within your normal day to day life. Things will work a bit differently here and you may find that people act differently, more positively. So this field in congruence to positive energy for the environment will attract more positive and happy moments for you. Happiness is a state of being propagated from within and without and its really those blissful moments we experience that help define happiness for us. Negativity rarely passes through in the love state but if it does, the next field deals with.

Repel Negative Energy

This field disconnects you from negative energy from your environment and people around you so you are unaffected by it. We often enter a negative state of mind due to negative energy from other people and the environment. In fact, sometimes people’s negative thoughts about us can affect us immediately and bring us down. This field repels those energies away from your aura and keeps you protected from outside influences such as these.

Depression Relief Field

This field isn’t necessarily only for people going through depression as it also benefit anyone else. Depression is as much a mental state of being as it is a physical state. When depressed, people tend to think more negatively about everything and their brain produces much less serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine and other ‘happiness’ neurotransmitters. The lack of positivity and pleasure neurotransmitters result in a very somber mood that often makes people want to give up on life. There are even people out there that aren’t so depressed but tend to not have much mental energy, be rather dull or lack enthusiasm for anything. It might not be depression but they may lack the production of neurotransmitters that help bring about joy in themselves. The depression relief field works on the brain aspect of happiness by increasing production of pleasure neurotransmitters while also increasing positivity to your mental state of being. Subtle energies work hand in hand with the physical and in this case, happiness is very much connected to the brain.

The combination of all these fields is very powerful. If overwhelming, wear it for only a few hours a day and slowly increase the time of wear until you are able to wear it all the time.

I didn’t see a dedicated thread for this item which is odd since this has been around for a long time on the Enlightened States site. Please share your experience and testimonials.


With this pendant on me, I am a walking testimony with all the above qualities imbued and working day to day in my life. NFTs are the recent catalysts on top of it - The ace of cups and the flow. I just feel that Love and Happiness is our eternal nature, and this becomes permanent with this pendant.
One unique feeling with this is particularly my tummy gets that euphoric feeling when ever I wear this - its a distinct feeling.
Truly Blissful, have been using it from more than an year now.


A quick review:

I’ve had this since Dec '21 and wear it daily. I’ve noticed that my mood is more even kneel and generally pretty happy. I don’t feel the weight of the world like I used to. In the past, I’ve had instances of going into depression and so far this hasn’t happened. I’ve also noticed that people around me seem to be more open, friendly, and happier. It really does change the mood in the environment.

This is such a blessing to have especially during these hard times in our world.

I’m so blessed and grateful for this unique field. Thank you, @Captain_Nemo !! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


I’m surprised more people haven’t posted reviews on this one.


I wonder how you would know, in case you were wearing it 24/7, lol

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I keep mine on for the whole day until I go to bed. I’ve expanded my energy system to be able to handle it.


I also keep them on til bed. Fortunately or unfortunately my spouse would get annoyed if I left them on while sleeping because every time I’d turn over in bed they would clink together and wake her. So she now makes sure I don’t wear them ti bed. I typically where this one and BPIL. I have this one on a custom. It really is a great field.


If you keep your tags within your aura (say, on a nightstand) then they can continue to work on you without disturbing your wife (or strangling you–ask me how I know :laughing: ). Just a thought you might want to consider.


I only use the tags when I sleep at night, since I don’t want to lose them. I keep them under my pillow.
Only if I don’t go out, I will put them on during the day.


Are you noticing anything specific from eternal bliss, or is it more a strengthening of your personal field?


It is subtle. I cycle through many tags based on needs. For example I wore An energy tag today and enhanced productivity because my office was getting messy and out of hand. Immediate impact. When I wear the Knight I also feel immediate. Bliss and BIPl seem to work in the background. It is one of those things that I have to reflect on to realize it’s benefits. Like oh usually XYZ would trigger me but it hasn’t and it’s because I’ve been wearing Bliss all week. If I take a week off from wearing it I notice the difference. I had a chat with Captain about it in September and I came to the realization that the Eternal part of the title is a bit of hyperbole but it absolutely works on your whole system to really be more resilient. For those who’ve done any of the EOT work or Collapsing polarities, the feeling after dissolving the polarities and taking the emotional charge out of things is similar to what Bliss provides.


Ive worn bliss now everyday for the last 2 years and I agree it is more of working in the background but I also sleep with it at night so I guess I don’t really remember a time without it? that’s probably not true but I do have a greater appreciation for these tools having read this topic and reflecting back on how my life used to be before this miracle entered my life and how wonderful things currently are and as @Starlight put it, the weight of the world isn’t quite there with this… which is a blessing in these times.

@Scribe haven’t used enhanced productivity in ages… totally forgot I had that. =) thanks for the reminder, have a messy area that could probably benefit from its re emergence.