Eternity redux ear pain

I’ve had the eternity tag for a few weeks now and I feel pressure on my ears and head every so often and sometimes it hurts I went to get my ears checked to see what was wrong and I have no ear damage so why is this happening ?


Are you sure it is because of Eternity? If you do not wear the field for say 2-days, does the pain go away?

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I haven’t tried not wearing it but I feel pressure and heat and tingling in my ears I don’t know why and it’s uncomfortable. It’s not constant though it comes and goes

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Could the pain and pressure be lingering effects from the ear infection you’d mentioned here?

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It’s possible I’ve been experiencing some weird things with my ears so I went to get them checked but everything came back normal… I’m going to take a break from the tag for a week or so and see what happens.

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That sounds like a good idea.

Perhaps it could be a combination of too many tags or audio fields as well.

At times I’ve felt pressure at the sides of my head or near my ears when I’ve worn too many field items.

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Okay I’ll take a break from the fields for a week and see if things change if not I’ll get it checked again. Thanks :)


No worries, best of luck with it. I hope the pain subsides. Let us know how you go. :slightly_smiling_face:


Will do thanks a ton :)


That’s perfect! You seem to be one of the few people who feel physical pain when their energy system is being reorganized. That’s perfectly fine, it just means the energy is working on your field.

Please keep us updated on what happens! :))

Well it seems that the energies of the tag stayed the whole week even though I did not wear it. However it did not cause pain but an occasional hot feeling in different places on my body.