Eternity Redux Tag

Which reminds me! While I have the Eternity tag and regularly listen to Anti Aging field, I somehow always neglect the Telomere field! Not much discussion on this field either… we need a thread about this field!!


@Maoshan_Wanderer I forget about that one too… it’s quite strong! Like a fine aged cheese lol. Whenever I listen to it 2-3x I feel really good and refreshed.


I need to bring it back to my nightly stack !!


:zipper_mouth_face: :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:


is there anyone who got significant results with Eternity dog tag? Please share your results And mention howe kid are you.


Does it increase DNA methylation as well?


The key to hair growth. A field of this would sell like hot cakes on gumroad.

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Anybody wanna update their experience on Eternity Tag?


I got Eternity & Intercession tags for my sister. She was sort of disinterested in everything & tired. If I told her to switch over to organic food & eat healthy, she would say “yeah whatever!”
If I told her to take more interest in her treatment, the same reply.
But now, she doing all the online ordering of stuff, making herself healthy dishes sometimes & going to work too whenever her treatment schedule permits. Actively looking up ways to curb her illness & hopefully using her Sapien playlist well.
I attribute this drastic change in her attitude to Eternity tag.
All battles are first won in the mind, I believe & sapien medicine totally has changed our lives for the better & given her a chance at life again. Thank you.


“It will also have an image capture field that will bring your cellular age down to 30 (at the point of full growth and development in fact, around 26-33 for most people)”

Further down in the description it is written:

Added to Eternity Redux:

  • Age recapture around 20 years old

I am not sure I fully understand the description .

What cellular age does the eternal redux pendant bring back, 20 or 30 years? @SammyG or another person :slightly_smiling_face:

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If I’m not mistaken, 30 was for the first version of Eternity, before it was improved as Eternity Redux. So the 20 years old would be the correct age recapture.


Thank you for your response :blush:

Excellent :grin:


You’re welcome :hugs:


Y’all has the item been removed or why I don’t see it anymore on the page?

All dog tags are no longer being sold by Sapien. Sammy announced this last November (in the Black Friday sales thread, if you want to find his actual announcement).

They’re in the process of moving to a different form of physical items. They haven’t worked out all the details yet. Right now, Dream is having to manually place fields on those physical items, so it’s a longer, more involved process than the tags were.

I’m sure that, when Team Dream have the details worked out, they’ll announce it to us.


Thank you very much for the information!!! Big relief :slight_smile:

Hi! I was wondering for items and tags in general, is it ok to wear around babies. I have a baby, and items like the eternity tag I was wondering if it was ok to wear around since there’s lots of hugging and holding going on all day :slight_smile: thank you in advance!